单词 | TUO |
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TUO是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Thefamousdoctor,HuaTuocametotakea look and saidthathewould have to open up his head and take outthetumorinside. 当时著名的医生华佗来给曹操看病,说他可以开颅取出曹操脑袋里的赘瘤。 club.xilu.com 2. Disciple Kai Xin hadcomposedaSupplicationtotheGreatBodhisattvaWeiTuo.Ihadrevisedita bit. 弟子开心敬造了〈韦陀大菩萨祈请颂〉一文,我已稍做校订。 www.showxiu.com 3. We are also proudofanothertownsman,HuaTuo,whowasagreatphysicianandwas,ironically,killedbyCaoforrefusingtotreathim. 我们也为亳州的另一位老乡,华佗感到自豪。他是一位了不起的神医,但是具有讽刺意味的是,他因为拒绝为曹操治病而被杀害。 4. Themostmiserableislarge intestine,didnotwashclean at all inside,stillhaveoneTuoexcrement,doyoumakeamistake? 最惨的就是大肠了,里面根本没洗干净,还有一坨屎,你有没有搞错? www.google-web.org 5. Therefore,HeTuowas far from a person who knewnomusic but a musicianwhounderstooddeeplytherelationshipbetweenmusicandpolitics. 因此,何妥并非不懂音乐,他是一位深谙音乐与政治之关系的音乐家。 www.jiaoyu85.com 6. China,isastretchforfivethousandyearsofancientcivilization,ancienthavehair, zhao, CAIlun,zhanghuatuo,shockedtheworld! 网友的感受评价:中国,是一个绵延五千年的文明古国,古有鲁班、李冰、蔡伦、张衡、华佗震撼全世界! xkyn.net 7. LiTuoandDuMaiusedtobeschoolmatesandLiTuosecretlylovesDuMai,butDu Mai returns to NorthChina. 李拓和杜麦曾经是同学,李拓从小就喜欢杜麦。后来杜回北方。 www.ecd123.com 8. Ihadalsowrittenit in calligraphy toprayforGreatBodhisattvaWeiTuo'sblessingtoalldedicateddisciples of our lineage. 我还手书了此文以祈请韦陀大菩萨垂顾咱们法脉的至忱弟子众们。 originalpurity.org 9. EvenifIamonetuoexcrement,andIalsoisonetuocanputfresh flowersofcowmuck. 就算我是一坨粪,我也是一坨可以插鲜花的牛粪。 www.haoqq.net 10. Oneday, a man namedHuaTuocamebyboattotheCamPespeciallytocureGuanYu.Guanasked him about how he would healthewound. 一天,有人从江上驾小舟来到寨前,自报姓华名佗,特来给关羽治伤。关羽问华佗怎样治法 dict.ebigear.com
权威例句ASTROLABIO - Crea il tuo astrolabio personale (.zip 70 Kb)Ccl2/Cx3cr1-Deficient Mice: An Animal Model for Age-Related Macular DegenerationTree-Ring Based Drought Reconstruction (A.D. 1855–2001) for the Qilian Mountains, Northwestern ChinaYoshimura, A. et al. Recognition of Gram-positive bacterial cell wall components by the innate immune system occurs via Toll-like re...Sha, W. C., Liou, H. C., Tuomanen, E. I. & Baltimore, D. Targeted disruption of the p50 subunit of NF-B B leads to multifocal defect...Isolation and characterization of a zinc finger polypeptide gene at the human chromosome 11 wilms'tuomr locusStreptococcus pneumoniae anchor to activated human cells by thereceptor for platelet-activating factorProstate cancer risk and prediagnostic serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (Finland)Both high and low levels of blood vitamin D are associated with a higher prostate cancer risk: A longitudinal, nested case‐control ...The role of cytokines in the generation of inflammation and tissue damage in experimental gram-positive meningitis
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