单词 | yuke |
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yuke是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. YukeFleetTheenemyfleetiscominghead-on.Whataretheythinking? 敌人舰队已经迎面过来了。他们在想甚么? 2. Yuke Squadron Okay ,I'vegothimonmyradar. 好样的,从雷达上捕捉到他了。 www.ecd123.com 3. Yuke Squadron I thoughtthere weren't going to beanyescorts? 不是原本应该没有护航飞机的吗? bbs.a9vg.com 4. yuke landing force assaultsquadron,providefiresupporttotheamphibiousforce. 进攻中队,为两栖军提供火力支援。 ichacha.net 5. Xiao li glaive,yuke landing force and flyout,theghostsurprised! 小李飞刀,例无虚发,飞刀出,鬼神惊! zhidao.baidu.com 6. YukeSquadronRoger.Maintaincurrentheading. 明白。保持目前航向。 www.cadict.net 7. YukeGThis isn't funny!Thesetanksaregonnaturnintoourcoffinssoon! 这可不是在闹着玩!这些坦克真的会成为我们的铁棺材! 8. YukeGWedohaveparachutesforourtankcrews,right? 有为我们坦克队员准备的跳伞背包,对吗? 9. yuke squadron so we'rejustgonnawatchthemdie? 我们只能眼睁睁的看着他们死去? www.ichacha.net 10. YukeSquadronYoumeanthatwastheirrealtarget? 你觉得那是他们的真正目标吗? www.kfyes.com
权威例句郁可俞可余柯郁可于珂余科 Thorium-doping$\hbox{--} $induced superconductivity up to 56?K in Gd$_{1-x}$Th$_{x}$FeAsOVisual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsourced Dense Image AnnotationsDesign and analysis of low-power 10-transistor full adders using novel XOR-XNOR gatesVisual7W: Grounded Question Answering in ImagesA novel multiplexer-based low-power full adderNarrow superconducting window in LaFe 1 ? x Ni x AsODesign and analysis of 10-transistor full adders using novel XOR-XNOR gatesIdentification of conserved and novel microRNAs that are responsive to heat stress inBrassica rapaTarget-driven Visual Navigation in Indoor Scenes using Deep Reinforcement Learning
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