单词 | buffalos |
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buffalos是什么意思 双语释义n.(名词)
英英释义buffalo[ 'b?f?l?u ]
学习怎么用 词组短语water buffalo水牛 双语例句1. Waterbuffalos have tilled our paddies formillennia,yethowmuch do we really knowaboutthem? 水牛为人耕田几千年,人们对它又了解多少呢? 2. Thenheloaded the two buffalosanda fewotheranimalsin,and the plane took off. 所以他装了两头水牛和一些其他的动物。 sm2000.org 3. TYPICAL USE: The hunterscamefromtheEasttomassacrethebuffalosoftheplains,killingseveralmillioninashorttime. 来自东部的措人屠杀平原的水牛,在很短的时间内就杀了好几百万头。 www.cublog.cn 4. TheBuffalosdesignationasaprotectedriverwashisworstnightmare. 布法罗河被定为保护河流成为了他最糟糕的噩梦。 5. Generally,Chinese ancients used cattleandwaterbuffalosratherthanhorsestocultivate. 在中国,一般来说马不用作耕地、拉车,这些都由牛和水牛来做。 i.myechinese.com 6. Justtell the elephants IlovethemasmuchasI love the buffalos,undeservingthemallis. 告诉他,我爱大象和爱水牛一样,虽然它们也是一样不配得我的白白恩典。 7. EveryOctoberthereisamassivemigrationovertheplainsofwildebeests,gazelles,zebras,buffalosandotheranimals. 牛羚、瞪羚、斑马、野牛与其他动物每年十月都会经此大举迁徙。 8. Thecrocodile'smethodofcatchingwaterbuffalosisterrifyingand very successful. 鳄鱼捕捉水牛的方法是惊人而且高效的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Buffalos were running asidethecar.Localpeoplewereoftenseensittingalonethehighway. 耕田的水牛不时地从汽车旁穿过,而且随处可见公路两旁席地而坐的当地居民。 www.xytown.cn 10. theykilledmillionsofbuffalosforsportand for their valuables skins. 为了食物和皮革,他们杀了数百万野牛。 www.kekenet.com
权威例句báo cáo hóa h?c:"Development and validation of the WEll-being and Satisfaction of CAREgivers of Children with Diabetes Question...Career Information – Links - Towson UniversityBuffalos (Bubalus bubalis) cloned by nuclear transfer of somatic cellsMolecular and serological prevalence of Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis in cattle and water buffalos under small-scale dairy farm...Contamination levels and congener distribution of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in buffalo's milk from Caserta province (Italy).Serlogical Monitoring of Bovine Viral Diarrhea/Mucosal Disease in Buffalos at the Partial Regions in Anhui,Jiangsu and Guangxi provi...Buffalos () Cloned by Nuclear Transfer of Somatic CellsTemperamento em bubalinos: testes de mensura??o Temperament in buffalos: mensurament testsThe Remains of Buffalos Recently Unearthed from Shaanxi and the Evolution of the Buffalo in China ProperDetermination of the contents of three trace elements Fe,Cu and Zn in serum of Binlangjiang buffalos
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