单词 | densely-populated |
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是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. InTokyo,oneoftheworld'smostdenselypopulatedcities,theconcept of having roommatesorsharing quarters has neverbeenpopular. 在东京这个全世界人口最密集的都市之一,跟人合租的观念从未盛行过。 www.rr365.com 2. Inaworlddenselypopulatedwithrights,everylegalactislikelytoinfringeat leastoneother. 在一个权利密集的世界里,每一合法行为都可能侵犯至少一种其它权利。 www.ecocn.org 3. Shanghaiisone of the mostdenselypopulatedurban areas in the world,withadowntownthatcontinuestofill up with immigrantworkers. 上海是全球人口最稠密的城市之一,市区内依然充斥着大量外来民工。 4. TasikmalayainWestJavaisasmallcityinadenselypopulated area with apopulationofover a million people. 位于西爪哇的Tasikmalaya是一个人口密集的小城市,大约有100多万人口。 www.englishtang.com 5. Thisaveragesouttoapproximately1600peoplepersquaremilemakingit one of the mostdenselypopulatedcountriesonearth. 这出平均每平方英里大约1600人使它成为地球上人口最稠密的国家之一。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Whiledemandisrelativelyhigh,supplyistight,given that this denselypopulated region spans onlyabout426square miles. 由于香港只有426平方英里,人多地少,因此需求相对较大,而供给紧张。 www.fortunechina.com 7. "Lord"intheworldinjustafewhourstobecomethemostdenselypopulatedareas. “魔神”世界在短短的几个小时内就成为了人口密度最大的地方。 8. Shesaidinadenselypopulatedarea, it is moredifficulttoensurethesafetyofcivilians,whooftenarecaughtinthecrossfire. 她说,在人口密集区,人们经常遭遇交叉火力,要保证平民的安全更加困难。 9. As the denselypopulatedcitygrowsupward, the famous Shanghaistreetlifeofbuying,selling, and gossiping isdisappearing. 人口愈发密集使得城市不断向地上延伸,那种悠哉买卖,顺带聊天的上海老街生活已然消逝。 10. But in the face of China'sdenselypopulated and the status quo is not our land,thelandbeingconsideredinvigoratedtwonewideas. 但面对我国人多地少的切实现状,国土资源部也并未松懈,正在考虑盘活土地的两条新思路。
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