单词 | diked |
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是什么意思 变形复数:dikes 过去分词:diked 现在分词:diking 英英释义dike[ daik ]
学习怎么用 词组短语spur dike丁坝;排水坝;挑水坝 双语例句1. Marius,thoughtfully,andwith his eyes dikedontheceiling, repeated almostmechanically:"Mymother?" 马吕斯若有所思,呆望着天花板,几乎是机械地跟着唱:“我的母亲!” 2. MarywasdikedoutinherSundaybest. 玛丽身着盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮。 3. Thebestricelandislevel,convenientlydikedforalternatingirrigation and drainage. 稻田最好是在平地上,筑田埂以利排灌。 www.tdict.com 4. Thegirlsweredikedoutintheirbest. 姑娘们穿着最漂亮的衣服,打扮得光彩照人。 5. Reasonablydeterminingdrainagemodulusisveryimportantfordecreasinglogginglossindikedarea. 合理确定圩区排涝模数对于降低涝灾损失有重要意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Sheisdikeduptoday. 她今天打扮得真是光彩照人。 7. CultivationofDiked Paddy-Fields in Ancient South-East China and TheirEffectsonEcologicalEnvironment 古代江南地区圩田开发及其对生态环境的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. A study onreformplanningofirrigationanddrainagesystemincoastaldikedarea 滨海圩区灌排系统改造规划设计的研讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Macrobenthiccommunityandnicheanalysisofcreeksduringautumnindikedtidalflat 围垦滩涂潮沟秋季大型底栖动物群落和生态位分析 service.ilib.cn 10. StructureofMacrobenthicCommunitiesinDifferentHabitatsattheDikedTidal FlatinWinter 围垦滩涂不同生境冬季大型底栖动物群落结构 www.ilib.cn
权威例句Summer Oxygen Depletion in a Diked New England EstuaryInvasive Plant Species in Diked vs. Undiked Great Lakes WetlandsInput–Output Nutrient Budgets for Small Diked MarshesBiogeochemical Effects of Seawater Restoration to Diked Salt MarshesFall water requirements for seasonal diked wetlands at Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.The Vegetation of the Bay of Fundy Salt and Diked Marshes: An Ecological Study (Continued)Biogeochemical effects of seawater restoration to diked salt marshes. Ecol Appl 7:1054-1063Macrobenthic community and niche analysis of creeks during autumn in diked tidal flatShorebird diet and size selection of nereid polychaetes in South Carolina coastal diked wetlandsShorebird Diet and Size Selection of Nereid Polychaetes in South Carolina Coastal Diked Wetlands (Dieta de Playeros y Seleccion del ...
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