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单词 economic strain

economic strain



Economic strain and suicide risk: a qualitative analysis.
Economic strain, social relations, gender, and binge drinking in Moscow
Economic Strain, Education and Attitudes towards Foreigners in the European Union
Economic Strain, Ethnic Concentration and Attitudes Towards Foreigners in the European Union
Economic strain and self-rated health among lone and couple mothers in Sweden during the 1990s compared to the 1980s.
The Family Economic Strain Scale: Development and Evaluation of the Instrument with Single- and Two-Parent Families
Economic strain and well-being in late life: Findings from an 18-year population-based longitudinal study of older Taiwanese adults
The Influence of Economic Strain, Coping with Roles, and Parental Control on the Parenting of Custodial Single Mothers and Custodial...
The Efficacy of a Pilot Prevention Program for Children and Caregivers Coping with Economic Strain
Female-demand/male-withdraw communication in Argentinian couples: A mediating factor between economic strain and relationship distress




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