Afinidad fitogeográfica y papel sucesional de la flora le?osa de los bosques de pino-encino de Los Altos de Chiapas, MéxicoLa dieta del coyote en un bosque de encino-pino de la Sierra Madre Occidental de Durango, MéxicoCD57+ T lymphocytes are derived from CD57- precursors by differentiation occurring in late immune responses.Increased percentage of cd3+, cd57+ lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. correlation with duration of diseaseGrowth factor activity of IL-6 in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Exon 6 mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in erosive rheumatoid arthritisEQS : structural equations program manualEQS 6 for Windows user's guideMethod and catheter for dilatation of the lacrimal systemAnálisis florístico y sucesional en la estación biológica Cerro Huitepec, Chiapas, México