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单词 experiences


  • n.

    经历( experience的名词复数 );经验;亲身经历;传统

  • 双语释义

    1. [U]经验 knowledge or skill which comes from practice in an activity or doing sth for a long time rather than from books
    2. [C]经历,阅历 sth that happens to one; event or activity that affects one in some way
    3. [P]感受 an effect on the mind and feelings
    1. vt. 经历,体验,感受,遭受 have experience of; feel; meet with



    • n.
      • the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities

        "a man of experience"; "experience is the best teacher"

      • the content of direct observation or participation in an event

        "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly"

      • an event as apprehended

        "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention"

    • v.
      • go or live through

        同义词:undergoseego through

      • have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations


      • go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

        "experience vertigo"


      • undergo an emotional sensation


      • undergo




    用作名词 (n.)
    • accumulate experience积累经验
    • achieve experience获得经验
    • acquire experience获得经验
    • add to one's experience增长经验
    • afford experience提供经验
    • analyze experience分析经验
    • attain experience得到经验
    • bear the experience in mind牢记经验
    • detail one's experiences述说经历
    • exaggerate experience夸大经历
    • face experience面对经历
    • forget experience忘记经历
    • gain experience获得经验
    • gather experience获得经验
    • get experience获得经验
    • have experience有经验
    • improve one's experience增进经验
    • know by experience从经验中懂得
    • know from experience从经验中学到
    • know through experience从经验中懂得
    • lack experience缺乏经验
    • learn from experience从经验中学到
    • live one's experience体验某人的感受
    • narrate experience叙说经历
    • pass on one's experience介绍经验
    • review a experience回顾经历
    • seek an experience摸索经验
    • speak from experience凭经验来说
    • use experience利用经验
    • bitter experience痛苦的经历
    • broad experience广泛的阅历
    • common experience共同的经历
    • daily experience日常经历,平时体会
    • direct experience直接经验
    • dreamy experience理想的经验
    • dull experience枯燥乏味的经历
    • early experience早期的经验
    • enormous experience大量的经验
    • enough experience足够的经验
    • expensive experience宝贵的经验,高价换取的经验
    • extensive experience广泛的经验
    • fatal experience不幸的经历
    • financial experience财政经验
    • firsthand experience直接体验
    • funny experience有趣的经历
    • glorious experience令人愉快的经历
    • good experience有益的经历
    • gradual experience逐步的经验
    • hands-on experience亲身经历
    • hard experience艰难的遭遇
    • hereditary experience遗传的经验
    • indirect experience间接经验
    • inductive experience感人的经验
    • industrial experience工业经验
    • infallible experience确实可靠的经验
    • intellectual experience理智的经验
    • intensive experience强烈的感受
    • interesting experience有趣的经历
    • large experience丰富的经验
    • long experience长期的经验
    • major experience主要经验
    • manifest experience明显的经验
    • memorable experience难忘的经历
    • military experience军事经验
    • mystical experience隐秘的经历
    • nasty experience令人不快的经历
    • new experience新的经历
    • odd experience蹊跷的经历
    • painful experience痛苦的经验
    • peculiar experiences奇特的经历
    • personal experience亲身经历
    • pleasant experiences愉快的经历
    • practical experience实践经验
    • private experience个人经验
    • recent experience最近的经历
    • rich experience丰富的经验
    • ripe experience成熟的经验
    • rough experience艰难的经历
    • sad experience悲惨的经历
    • sweet experience甜蜜的经历
    • trying experience痛苦的经历
    • unusual experience不寻常的经历
    • valuable experience有价值的经验
    • various experiences种种经验
    • wide experience广泛的阅历
    • learning experience学习经验
    • teaching experience教学经验
    • work experience工作经验
    • according to one's experience根据经验
    • by experience凭经验
    • from experience凭经验
    • in sb's experience在某人的经验中
    • a great deal of experience丰富的经验
    • experience in commercial correspondence商业通信方面的经验
    • experience in life生活中的经历
    • experience in practice实践经验
    • experience in teaching教学经验
    • experience of teaching教学经验
    用作动词 (v.)
    • experience a feeling of great relief感到巨大的安慰
    • experience a joy in helping others in trouble领受到帮助困难的人之后的快乐
    • experience a lot of difficulties经历许多困难
    • experience a reform经历改革
    • experience a revolution经历变革
    • experience a sudden sensation of distress突然感到一阵悲哀
    • experience change发生变化
    • experience chill感到冷淡
    • experience great changes经历巨大变化
    • experience hardship经历艰苦
    • experience imperialist oppression遭受帝国主义压迫
    • experience incidents经历事故
    • experience life体验生活
    • experience nausea感到恶心
    • experience pain遭受痛苦
    • experience pleasure感到快乐
    • experience prejudice体验到受偏见
    • experience rudeness遇到粗鲁无礼的待遇
    • experience sadness感到悲伤
    • experience sense of beauty体验到美感
    • experience the death经历死亡
    • experience the impact of poetry体验诗的感染力
    • experience the similar problems经历类似的问题
    • experience untold sufferings遭受了无数的苦难
    • experience accidentally意外地经历
    • experience colorfully经历丰富
    • experience deplorably可悲地经历
    • experience disgracefully可耻地经历
    • experience dismally惨淡地经历
    • experience drably单调乏味地经历
    • experience drolly滑稽地经历
    • experience exhilaratingly令人兴奋地感到
    • experience fatally致命地经历
    • experience fatefully重大地经历
    • experience gloriously光彩地经历
    • experience intellectually智力方面经历
    • experience manifestly显而易见地经历
    • experience mystically秘密地经历
    • experience privately私自经历
    • experience professionally专门经历
    • experience profoundly丰富地经历
    • experience spiritually精神经历
    • experience strangely奇怪地经历
    • experience tediously枯燥乏味地经历
    • experience tragically悲剧性地经历
    • experience variously不同地经历


    managerial experiences管理经验


    1. He has had no previous experience in this kind of job.
    2. I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be.
    3. I had a singular experience in Africa.
    4. The shipwreck was a harrowing experience.
    1. You will experience a dream of fantasy.
    2. Today I'm going to experience the slide activities.
    3. He experienced a pang of sadness.


    Groupware: some issues and experiences
    Groupware: some issues and experiences
    Groupware: some issues and experiences
    Groupware: Some Issues and Experiences
    Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation
    Writing about Emotional Experiences as a Therapeutic Process
    Customer Evaluations of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing
    International experiences with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--a review of validation data and clinical results.
    Assessing the impact of life changes: Development of the Life Experiences Survey.
    Affective Events Theory: A theoretical discussion of the structure, causes and consequences of affective experiences at work.




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