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单词 fixes


  • v.

    固定( fix的第三人称单数 );准备;修理;使牢固

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 修理; 校准repair
    2. vt. 整理,收拾 straighten, sort out
    3. vt. 固定,安装 make fasten or firm
    4. vt. & vi. 安排; 决定,确定 arrange; organize; provide for; determine or decide
    5. vt. 准备,做(饭等) cook or prepare (especially food or drink for sb)
    6. vt. 凝视 single out sb by looking steadily
    7. vt. 吸引 attract and hold the attention
    8. vt. 贿赂,收买 bribe, bring about
    1. [C]困境,窘境 a difficult position
    2. [C]定位于 the position as of a ship determined by bearings, observations or radio
    3. [S]受操纵的事 sth that has been dishonestly arranged



    • n.
      • informal terms for a difficult situation

        "he got into a terrible fix"

        同义词:holejammessmuddlepicklekettle of fish

      • something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug

        "she needed a fix of chocolate"

      • the act of putting something in working order again


      • an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear

        "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"

      • a determination of the place where something is

        "he got a good fix on the target"


    • v.
      • restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

        同义词:repairmendbusheldoctorfurbish uprestoretouch on

      • cause to be firmly attached

        "she fixed her gaze on the man"


      • decide upon or fix definitely

        "fix the variables"


      • prepare for eating by applying heat

        "fix breakfast for the guests, please"


      • take vengeance on or get even

        "That'll fix him good!"

        同义词:pay backpay offget

      • set or place definitely

        "Let's fix the date for the party!"

      • kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study
      • make fixed, stable or stationary

        "let's fix the picture to the frame"


      • make infertile


      • put (something somewhere) firmly

        "fix your eyes on this spot"


      • make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc

        "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"

        同义词:prepareset upreadygear upset



    用作动词 (v.)
    • fix a bed修理床铺
    • fix a bicycle修自行车
    • fix books修订书籍
    • fix a broken cup修补一只坏杯子
    • fix a broken table修理坏桌子
    • fix a chair修椅子
    • fix a clock修钟
    • fix clothes补衣服
    • fix a flat tyre修补漏气轮胎
    • fix one's fences修补篱笆
    • fix a radio修理收音机
    • fix a road修路
    • fix torn clothes缝补破衣服
    • fix a window修理窗户
    • fix a bayonets上刺刀
    • fix a lamp to the wall将灯装在墙上
    • fix a machine安装机器
    • fix a microphone安装扩音器
    • fix a mirror装镜子
    • fix a lid安装盖子
    • fix a tooth镶牙
    • fix a price确定价格
    • fix place确定地点
    • fix salary确定薪金
    • fix the date of a fossil确定化石的年代
    • fix the rent确定租金
    • fix the rules of contest确定比赛规则
    • fix time确定时间
    • fix a bowl of egg soup做一碗鸡蛋汤
    • fix a boxing match安排一场拳击比赛
    • fix a meal做饭
    • fix coffee准备咖啡
    • fix dinner准备晚餐
    • fix room准备房间
    • fix salad拌色拉
    • fix supper准备晚饭
    • fix a game比赛作弊
    • fix the election选举作弊
    • fix hair梳理头发
    • fix the jury买通陪审团
    • fix upright直立地安装
    • fix well牢记
    • fix accurately精确地固定
    • fix admirably极好地安排
    • fix amicably友好地安排
    • fix apparently明显地修理
    • fix arbitrarily专断地决定
    • fix artfully灵巧地修理
    • fix artistically艺术性地修理
    • fix beautifully美妙地安排
    • fix becomingly适当地安排
    • fix carefully小心地安排
    • fix cautiously小心地修理
    • fix cheerfully兴致勃勃地准备
    • fix cleverly巧妙地安排
    • fix clumsily拙劣地安排
    • fix completely彻底地修理
    • fix complexly复杂地安排
    • fix comprehensively全面地修理
    • fix conditionally有条件地准备
    • fix confidentially机密地安排
    • fix cordially真心诚意地准备
    • fix correctly正确地安排
    • fix crudely粗俗地安排
    • fix definitely明确地确定
    • fix deftly巧妙地安排
    • fix delicately灵敏地安排
    • fix dramatically不寻常地安排
    • fix dubiously不可靠地确定
    • fix efficiently有效地安排
    • fix elaborately详尽地安排
    • fix entirely完全地修理
    • fix expertly精于修理
    • fix exquisitely精美地安排
    • fix fantastically荒谬地安排
    • fix felicitously恰当地安排
    • fix finally最后确定
    • fix firmly牢记
    • fix frequently经常地修理
    • fix futilely徒劳地修理
    • fix harmoniously和谐地安排
    • fix hideously令人惊骇地安排
    • fix ideally完美地安排
    • fix immediately立即安排
    • fix incessantly持续不断地修理
    • fix indirectly间接安排
    • fix ingeniously巧妙地安排
    • fix instructively有益地安排
    • fix intelligently明智地安排
    • fix irrelevantly不相关地安排
    • fix laudably值得赞许地安排
    • fix mechanically习惯性地安排
    • fix methodically有条理地安排
    • fix momentarily顷刻之间地安排
    • fix mutually相互凝视
    • fix obviously显而易见地安排
    • fix officially正式地确定
    • fix ostensibly表面上地安排
    • fix painfully痛苦地安排
    • fix politely有礼貌地凝视
    • fix possibly令人满意地安排
    • fix previously事先地安排
    • fix provisionally临时地安排
    • fix reassuringly令人安心地凝视
    • fix recently最近地安排
    • fix reluctantly勉强地安排
    • fix rigidly严格地修理
    • fix satisfactorily满意地安排
    • fix sensibly合理地安排
    • fix specifically特殊地安排
    • fix steadfastly坚定地安排
    • fix steadily稳定地决定
    • fix sufficiently充分地固定
    • fix systematically有规律地安排
    • fix tastefully布置得很高雅
    • fix temptingly诱人地安排
    • fix tentatively暂时地安排
    • fix treacherously不可靠地安排
    • fix unconsciously不知不觉地修理
    • fix unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地确定
    • fix unquestionably肯定地安排
    • fix widely大规模地修理
    • fix over修理,重装
    • fix up修好,整理,安排,解决
    • fix about安排…
    • fix as把…确定为…
    • fix by根据…形成
    • fix for确定…的日期,为…准备…
    • fix sb for the night给某人安顿住处
    • fix in在…安装…
    • fix sth in one's mind牢记…
    • fix on确定,选定
    • fix on a plan商定一项计划
    • fix upon注视…
    • fix sb with a stare瞪某人一眼
    用作名词 (n.)
    • get〔take〕 a fix on sth定出其目标的位置
    • get oneself into a fix陷入困境
    • awkward fix困境
    • bad fix困境
    • dreadful fix可怕的困境
    • frightful fix可怕的困境
    • momentary fix暂时遇到的困境
    • pretty fix为难
    • real fix真的困境
    • erroneous fix定错方位
    • running fix移动定位
    • navigator fix领航坐标
    • fix oil硬化油
    • fix position定位
    • fix screw固定螺丝
    • fix stopper固定塞子
    • in a fix处境困难
    • out of fix已损坏的


    fix on确定;固定;使集中于

    in a fix[美国英语]进退两难,处境艰难,陷于困境

    fix up修理;解决;改进;为…作好安排;商妥

    quick fix权宜之计

    fix one's eyes on注意;凝视

    hot fix热修复

    fix a date确定日期,约期

    fix attention on集中注意力于

    fix position n. 定位;实测船位

    get a fix on[口语](用雷达、声纳等电子装置)探测远距离物体的方位,(用雷达、声纳等电子装置)定出(某物的)位置

    out of fix[美国英语]心情不好;身体不好;已损坏的,需要修理的



    1. He fixed a shelf to the wall.
    2. My watch has stopped it needs fixing.
    3. Have you fixed on a date for the wedding?
    4. Give me a couple of minutes while I fix my hair.
    5. I'm sure the match is fixed.
    1. We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.
    2. They managed to get a fix on the yacht's position.
    3. Her promotion was a fix, I'm sure.


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