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单词 floats


英 [fl??ts]
美 [flo?ts]
  • n.

    彩车( float的名词复数 );漂浮物;(学游泳用的)浮板;浮有冰淇淋的饮料

  • v.

    (使)浮动( float的第三人称单数 );(使)漂浮[飘动];(使货币汇率)自由浮动;轻盈走动

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • the time interval between the deposit of a check in a bank and its payment
      • the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the public
      • a drink with ice cream floating in it

        同义词:ice-cream sodaice-cream float

      • an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade
      • a hand tool with a flat face used for smoothing and finishing the surface of plaster or cement or stucco

        同义词:plasterer's float

      • something that remains on the surface of a liquid
    • v.
      • be in motion due to some air or water current

        同义词:driftbe adriftblow

      • be afloat; stay on a liquid surface; not sink


      • set afloat

        "He floated the logs down the river"; "The boy floated his toy boat on the pond"

      • circulate or discuss tentatively; test the waters with

        "The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform"

      • move lightly, as if suspended

        "The dancer floated across the stage"

      • put into the water

        "float a ship"

      • make the surface of level or smooth

        "float the plaster"

      • allow (currencies) to fluctuate

        "The government floated the ruble for a few months"

      • convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation

        "float data"



    float glass[化]浮法玻璃

    float on浮在…上

    float valve浮阀

    ball float浮球;球状浮子

    free float自由浮动;自由浮动时间;公众持股量

    air float气垫,气托

    float switch浮动开关

    wood float木抹子;木浮子

    float grass n. 水草

    total float总浮动;全多余

    float chamber浮箱,浮标;浮子室

    float level浮筒油面高度;浮筒水准线

    float about v. 漂浮着;在传播中

    float off浮起;漂浮



    1. They will throw you a lot of beads from floats.
    2. He still remembers the village pageant moving through the streets on floats.


    The impact on seaplane floats during landing
    A census of Meddies tracked by floats
    Argo : the global array of profiling floats
    Observing the general circulation with floats
    Coping with Terms-of-Trade Shocks: Pegs versus Floats
    Expanded polystyrene (EPS) floats for surveillance of Ochlerotatus japonicus.
    On latest starting times and floats in activity networks with ill-known durations
    The Argo Program: Observing the Global Ocean with Profiling Floats
    A Preliminary Exploration of the Gulf Stream System with SOFAR Floats
    In situ removal of dissolved phosphorus in irrigation drainage water by planted floats: preliminary results from growth chamber expe...




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