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单词 go


英 [g??]
美 [go?]
  • vi.


  • vt.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vi. 去; 走; 行; 驶 move; pass from one point to another and away from the speaker, etc.
    2. vi. 进行,运行,运转 happen in a certain way; revolve; operate
    3. vi. 放,置 put; place; lay
    4. vi. 伸展,通往 extend; get through
    5. vi. 消失,丢失 die away; lose
    6. vi. 垮下来,死 decline; break down; die
    7. vi. 花费,销售 cost; spend; sail
    8. vi. 行,有效 effective; valid
    9. vi. 发出…声音,响 make out sound
    10. vi. (时间)过去 (time) pass by
    11. vi. 据说,流传 be stated, said in a certain way
    12. vi. 变得,成为,处于…状态 act so as to come into a certain state or condition
    1. [C]轮到机会 one's turn, especially in a game
    2. [U]精力,干劲 an active lively quality
    3. [C]侵袭,发作 attack of an illness



    • n.
      • a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)

        "it's my go"


      • street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine

        同义词:AdamecstasyXTCdisco biscuitcristalXhug drug

      • a usually brief attempt


      • a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters

        同义词:go game

    • v.
      • change location; move, travel, or proceed

        "How fast does your new car go?"


      • follow a procedure or take a course

        "We should go farther in this matter"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels"


      • move away from a place into another direction

        同义词:go awaydepart

      • enter or assume a certain state or condition

        "Get going!"


      • be awarded; be allotted

        "The first prize goes to Mary"

      • have a particular form

        "as the saying goes..."


      • stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point

        "His knowledge doesn't go very far"


      • follow a certain course

        "how did your interview go?"


      • be abolished or discarded

        "These ugly billboards have to go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"

      • be or continue to be in a certain condition
      • make a certain noise or sound


      • perform as expected when applied

        "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"


      • to be spent or finished

        "The money had gone after a few days"

        同义词:run lowrun short

      • progress by being changed

        "The speech has to go through several more drafts"


      • continue to live; endure or last

        同义词:survivelastlivelive onendurehold uphold out

      • pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action

        "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I got your call"

      • pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life

        同义词:diedeceaseperishexitpass awayexpirepasskick the bucketcash in one's chipsbuy the farmconkgive-up the ghostdrop deadpop offchokecroaksnuff it

      • be in the right place or situation

        "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?"


      • be ranked or compare

        "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go"

      • begin or set in motion

        "Ready, set, go!"

        同义词:startget going

      • have a turn; make one's move in a game

        "Can I go now?"


      • be contained in

        "How many times does 18 go into 54?"

      • be sounded, played, or expressed

        "How does this song go again?"

      • blend or harmonize

        "This sofa won't go with the chairs"

        同义词:blendblend in

      • lead, extend, or afford access

        "This door goes to the basement"


      • be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired


      • go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way


      • be spent
      • give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number


      • stop operating or functioning

        同义词:failgo badgive waydiegive outconk outbreakbreak down

    • adj.functioning correctly and ready for action

      "all systems are go"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • go apprentice当学徒
    • go it使劲儿,放荡
    • go it alone单干
    • go it blind瞎干
    • go it strong on sth热烈赞许某事
    • go partners共同出资
    • go the whole hog全力以赴
    • go asleep入睡
    • go bad(食物等)腐败变质
    • go blind失明
    • go broke破产
    • go dry禁酒
    • go ill事态恶化
    • go mad发狂
    • go mad with joy欣喜若狂
    • go native采取土著人的生活方式
    • go red with anger气得(满脸)通红
    • go wild with joy欣喜若狂
    • go wrong堕落,走入歧途
    • go abroad出国
    • go ahead前进
    • go all lengths尽一切可能
    • go downstairs去下楼
    • go downtown去市中心商业区
    • go early早早离去
    • go easy轻松一点
    • go free被释放,被解放
    • go halves平分,彼此一半
    • go home回家
    • go nearly几乎死掉
    • go slow慢慢走,怠工
    • go straight笔直地走,做正直的人
    • go too far过火,走极端
    • go upstairs上楼
    • go west去西天
    • go boldly大胆执行
    • go carefully仔细装入
    • go deeply流传深远
    • go elaborately备有详尽地…
    • go gladly乐意旅行
    • go habitually通常处于…状态
    • go immediately立即行动
    • go leisurely有节奏地运转
    • go rapidly迅速运转
    • go smoothly静静地运行
    • go suddenly突然运行
    • go thoroughly彻底放弃
    • go utterly完全地消逝
    • go along前进
    • go back回来,回顾,走下坡路
    • go back home回家
    • go before走在前面,居先,超过
    • go behind调查,摸底
    • go beyond超出,越过
    • go by经过
    • go down价格下跌,船只沉没,被记下,破产,退学
    • go downhill走下坡路
    • go forth出发,发布,发表
    • go forward前进
    • go in进入,参加
    • go off离开,出走
    • go on接下去
    • go out出去(交朋友),熄灭,公布,上演,看不见了
    • go over越过,改变立场
    • go over big大受欢迎
    • go over the accounts核对账目
    • go round各处走走
    • go through通过,经历
    • go together陪同
    • go under沉没,失败
    • go up升高,(灯)亮起,爆炸或起火,(舞台幕布)拉起,(叫喊声,欢呼声)四起
    • go hard with sb使某人为难
    • go away for the weekend外出度周末
    • go back to one's old habits恢复老习惯
    • go down in history载入史册
    • go down on one's knees跪下
    • go down well with sb为某人所接受,受某人欢迎
    • go forward with one's plans着手实施计划
    • go in deep with one's studies深入研究
    • go off into a fit of laughter发出一阵大笑
    • go off with拿走,抢走
    • go off with public money携公款潜逃
    • go on at sb责怪某人
    • go on for接近
    • go on with one's homework继续做家庭作业
    • go over to America去美国游览
    • go over to the other side of the street走到街对面去
    • go through with the experiment把实验进行到底
    • go up in smoke告吹
    • go up to town上城里去
    • go back of〈美口〉调查,研究
    • go out of离开
    • go out of date过时
    • go out of one's way to help sb不怕麻烦地帮助某人
    • go out of the house离开房子
    • go along with随…一起去,赞同,同意
    • go away with sb与某人私奔
    • go about四处走动,着手干…,做…
    • go about one's business干自己的事
    • go about one's work着手工作
    • go above the world's level超过世界水平
    • go across越过,渡过
    • go across a bridge过桥
    • go across a river渡过一条河
    • go after寻找,追求
    • go after a job寻求职业
    • go against反对…,违反…,对…不利
    • go against sb's wishes违背某人的心愿
    • go against the grain对谷物不利
    • go along the bank of the river沿着河岸走
    • go around the world周游世界
    • go at扑过去,攻击,兴冲冲地干
    • go at length into the history of详细谈谈…的历史
    • go at one's work努力工作
    • go between做中间人
    • go beyond超越…
    • go beyond one's duty超越职权范围
    • go beyond the call of duty超越工作的要求
    • go by从…旁边经过,被叫做
    • go by the book照章办事
    • go by the decision遵照决定
    • go by train坐火车去
    • go down去某地,(南)下,下(楼等)
    • go down a hill下山
    • go down the river顺流而下
    • go for去(做某事),去拿(某物),迷上,与(人或事)有关,对…同样适宜
    • go for a doctor去请医生
    • go for a drive开车去玩
    • go for a haircut去理发
    • go for a walk去散步
    • go for little被认为不大有用
    • go for much被认为大有用处
    • go for nothing毫无用处
    • go from...to从…到…
    • go from bad to worse越来越糟,每况愈下
    • go ill with对…不利
    • go into细说,调查,研究,进入…界
    • go into effect生效
    • go into law开始做律师
    • go into the army参军
    • go into the problem研究这个问题
    • go into town进城
    • go like the wind飞驰
    • go off离开,进行(得如何)
    • go off duty离开岗位,下班
    • go off the air停止广播
    • go on(时间)过去,依据(某信息等)
    • go on a strike举行罢工
    • go on a trip去旅行
    • go on foot走路去
    • go over朝(某人)过来,仔细推敲,仔细查看,检查
    • go over a mountain翻越一座山
    • go over one's lesson复习功课
    • go over the article把文章再细看一遍
    • go over the books仔细看书
    • go through寻找,把…再过一遍,获准,通过,用掉,举行,参加(仪式),审查
    • go through a door通过一扇门
    • go through a red light闯过红灯
    • go through fire and water赴汤蹈火
    • go through many changes几经变迁
    • go through the books检查账目
    • go through the forest穿过森林
    • go through the main points again将要点重复一次
    • go to去(某地方),出席,被给予,归于
    • go to a lot of trouble费不少心血
    • go to bat for为人辩护判决
    • go to bed上床
    • go to college上大学
    • go to law控告
    • go to pieces破碎,崩溃,瓦解
    • go to school上学
    • go to sea去当水手
    • go to sleep入睡
    • go to the country(英国解散议会)举行大选
    • go under the name of被称作
    • go up a hill上山
    • go up the river逆流而上
    • go with连带,同…协调,爱,与…相结交
    • go with the time赶时髦
    • go without缺少,没有…而忍受过去
    • go without saying不待说
    用作名词 (n.)
    • have a go尝试
    • make a go成功
    • all the go〈美〉非常流行
    • capital go妙极了
    • fair go公平对待,机会均等
    • first go第一次尝试
    • jolly go怪事
    • near go几乎送命
    • no go不行,办不到,不成功
    • pretty go尴尬的事情
    • queer go难办的事
    • sentry go换哨命令
    • at one go一举
    • on the go在活跃,在忙碌


    going on进行,发生

    go home回家

    let go放开;释放;发射

    go up增长;上升;被兴建起来

    go on继续;过去;继续下去;发生

    could go巴不得吃;巴不得喝

    go straight改过自新

    go wrong出毛病;弄错;发生故障

    go in参加;(太阳等)被云遮住;放得进

    go all out鼓足干劲,全力以赴

    gone on someone[口语]倾心于某人

    go well进展顺利

    on the go忙个不停,四处奔走

    go by经过;顺便走访;凭…判断

    go somewhere去某个地方;出去一下

    no go不行,失败

    first go[口语]第一次尝试;一下子,一口气

    go astray v. 走入歧途;迷路

    go slow怠工;慢慢走

    go easy安闲;从容不迫



    leave, start, depart, quit, set out, go






    set out书面用词。


    turn, get, grow, become, come, go








    progress, move on, proceed, advance, go



    move on非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。





    1. We' ll go for a walk if you feel like it.
    2. I must be going.
    3. A few days later, things started to go wrong.
    4. Everything went very smoothly.
    1. The boat rolled gently with the come and go of small waves.
    2. Let's have a go at it.
    3. She's always so full of go.
    4. There is too much in the British Museum for us to take in at one go.


    The Gene Ontology (GO) database and informatics resource.
    The Gene Ontology (GO) database and informatics resource.
    The timed "Up & Go": a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons
    Episodic and semantic memory: Where should we go from here?
    GO-guided direct growth of highly oriented metal–organic framework nanosheet membranes for H 2 /CO 2 separation
    A common anchor facilitated GO-DNA nano-system for multiplex microRNA analysis in live cells
    The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone
    Kepler’s DR25 Most Earth-like Planet Candidates: What To Know Before You Go
    Selective inhibition of protein kinase C isozymes by the indolocarbazole Go 6976.
    Predicting the Probability for Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Using the Timed Up & Go Test




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