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单词 hoper


  • n.


  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 希望,期望 have hope of
    1. [U][C]希望,期望 the expectation of sth happening as one wishes
    2. [S]有希望的人或事物 a person or thing that seems to bring success



    • n.a person who hopes

      "only an avid hoper could expect the team to win now"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • hardly hope不能指望
    • only hope一地指望
    • hope ardently热切地希望
    • hope confidentially满怀信心地希望
    • hope deeply深深地希望
    • hope desperately极度渴望
    • hope devoutly诚挚地希望
    • hope earnestly诚挚地希望
    • hope fairly相当地希望
    • hope fondly天真地希望
    • hope fruitlessly无望
    • hope fully充分地希望
    • hope genuinely真正地希望
    • hope gratefully衷心地希望
    • hope irresistibly不可抗拒地期望
    • hope ludicrously荒唐可笑地希望
    • hope luxuriously奢侈地希望
    • hope optimistically乐观地希望
    • hope particularly尤其希望
    • hope picturesquely美丽地希望
    • hope piously虔诚地希望
    • hope prematurely过早地希望
    • hope reasonably明智地希望
    • hope satirically讽刺性地希望
    • hope sincerely诚恳地希望
    • hope tacitly默默地希望
    • hope vainly徒然希望
    • hope for希望,希望得到
    • hope for a miracle希望出现奇迹
    • hope for better results希望得到更好的结果
    • hope for nothing没有什么可期待的
    • hope for sb's help希望得到某人的帮助
    • hope for success期望获得成功
    • hope for the best抱乐观态度,作最好的打算
    • hope for the worst抱悲观态度,作最坏的打算
    • hope great things from sb希望某人能作出伟大的事业
    用作名词 (n.)
    • abandon hope放弃希望
    • afford hope提供希望
    • arouse hope唤起希望
    • attain hope寄希望
    • awaken hope唤起希望
    • based on hope被希望支撑着
    • blast hope毁灭希望
    • blight hope使希望成为泡影
    • build one's hope on把希望建立在…之上
    • center one's hopes in把希望寄托于…
    • cherish hope抱有希望
    • cling to hope抱定希望
    • console with hope用希望来安慰
    • crush hopes粉碎希望
    • culminate in hope希望告终
    • damp down hope失去希望
    • darken hope希望渺茫
    • dash hope希望破灭
    • defeat hope打破希望
    • defer hope遵从希望
    • delude with hope用希望欺骗
    • disappoint hope使希望不能实现
    • discourage hope使希望受挫
    • dispel hope打消希望
    • divest of hope剥夺希望
    • exaggerate hope夸大希望
    • exceed hope出乎意料
    • express one's hopes表达愿望
    • fall from hope希望落空
    • falsify hope希望落空
    • fasten hope寄托希望
    • flush with hope充满希望
    • frustrate hope使希望受挫
    • fulfil hope实现愿望
    • gain hope获得希望
    • give hope给予希望
    • give up hope放弃希望
    • hatch hope孕育希望
    • have hope有希望
    • hold out hope(对…)抱有(…)希望
    • impart hope给予希望
    • infuse hope注入希望
    • inspire hope赋予希望
    • justify hope为希望辩护
    • keep up hopes保持希望
    • kill hope毁掉希望,绝望
    • kindle hope点燃希望
    • lay one's hope on把希望寄托在…上
    • live up to sb's hopes不辜负某人的期望
    • lose all hope绝望
    • nourish hope怀有希望
    • nurse hope抱有希望
    • offer hope给予希望
    • pin one's hope on把希望寄托在…上
    • place one's hope on把希望寄托在…上
    • prompt hope唤起希望
    • raise sb's hopes唤起某人的希望
    • realize the hope实现愿望
    • resign hope放弃希望
    • restore hope使愿望复苏
    • revive hope使愿望复苏
    • rouse hope唤醒希望
    • see hope看到希望
    • shatter hope粉碎希望
    • shut hope绝望
    • splinter hope粉碎希望
    • stimulate hope激励希望
    • undermine hope削弱希望
    • voice hope把希望说出来
    • wake hope唤起希望
    • wither hope使希望破灭
    • abandoned hope放弃的希望
    • absolute hope绝对的希望
    • absurd hope荒谬的希望
    • ambitious hope渴望,热望
    • appointed hope指望
    • ardent hope炽热的希望
    • atrocious hope恶毒的希望
    • barren hope渺茫的希望
    • best hope最好的愿望
    • blasted hope破灭的希望
    • blessed hope神圣的愿望
    • blighted hope破灭的希望
    • blossoming hope光辉的希望
    • boundless hope无限的希望
    • bright hope光辉的希望
    • brilliant hope辉煌的希望
    • broken hope失望
    • budding hope萌发的希望
    • buried hope埋葬掉的希望
    • cheerful hope兴致勃勃的希望
    • confident hope确信
    • confiding hope可信赖的希望
    • countless hopes无尽的希望
    • darkened hope暗淡的希望
    • dauntless hope无畏的希望
    • dawning hope最初的希望
    • dazzling hope灿烂的希望
    • dead hope无望
    • dear hope真诚的希望
    • deathless hope不灭的希望
    • debarred hope被排除的希望
    • decaying hope凋谢的希望
    • deceptive hope靠不住的希望
    • definite hope确信
    • delicious hope美妙的愿望
    • delusive hope虚幻的希望
    • departing hope逝去的希望
    • desperate hope绝望
    • disappointed hope失望
    • dull hope暗淡的希望
    • dying hope临终的希望
    • eager hope强烈的希望
    • earnest hope诚挚的希望
    • earthly hope世俗的希望
    • extravagant hope奢望
    • exultant hope欢欣鼓舞的希望
    • faded hope暗淡的希望
    • faint hope渺茫的希望
    • fair hope美好的愿望
    • fallacious hope渺茫的希望
    • false hope空指望
    • faltering hope踌躇的希望
    • famished hope渴望
    • feeble hope微弱的希望
    • fervent hope炽热的希望
    • feverish hope狂热的希望
    • fond hope天真的希望
    • good hope良好愿望,美好的希望
    • great hope很大的希望
    • idle hope徒然的希望
    • illusory hope不切实际的希望
    • last hopes最终的愿望
    • little hope没有多少希望,希望不大
    • much hope希望很大,大有希望
    • only hope唯一的希望
    • slender hope渺茫的希望
    • slight hope渺茫的希望
    • supreme hope最重要的希望
    • sweet hope醇美的希望
    • the best hope最美好的愿望
    • the highest hope最大的希望
    • tremendous hope惊人的希望
    • troubled hope困惑不安的希望
    • vain hope徒劳的希望
    • beyond hope没有希望
    • beyond all hope of repair无法修理
    • beyond hope of cure没有希望治好
    • in hope在期望中
    • in hope of怀着…的希望
    • a glimmer of hope一线希望
    • a ray of hope一线希望
    • past hope没有希望
    • past hope of recovery没有康复的希望
    • with the hope抱着希望
    • without hope没有希望
    • without any hope of毫无…的希望
    • hope of …的希望
    • hope of success成功的希望
    • hope of victory胜利的希望


    1. I hope to announce the winner shortly.
    2. After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
    3. I hope he will be adequate to the job.
    4. And hope is what Yad Vashem is all about!
    5. Everybody needs laughter and hope.
    1. The doctors held out no hope of recovery.
    2. I called in the hope of finding her at home.
    3. Do you have any hope that he'll come?


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