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单词 a decline

a decline



Belief: just a matter of faith?
American Eagle Holiday Sales Decline 6%, Shares Up | Fox Business
An epidemiologic study of trends in prevalence of rheumatoid factor seropositivity in Pima Indians: evidence of a decline due to bot...
A decline in the prevalence of injecting drug users in Estonia, 2005–2009
Can a decline in the population means of cardiovascular risk factors reduce the number of people at risk?
An exploration of health beliefs and attitudes of smokers with vascular disease who participate in or decline a smoking cessation pr...
Book Review of I Won't Do Manhattan: Causes and Consequences of a Decline in Street Prostitution
Downs in Pollinator Populations : When is there a Decline?
A Decline in Autophagic Efficiency Is Associated With AMD and Chronic Exposure to Oxidative Stress
Less Equal and Less Mobile: Evidence of a Decline in Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States




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