释义 |
NOUN. 名词1.?[C 可数名词] 海岸The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. 双语例句例: Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches. 宿营地通常都在海岸边,靠近沙滩的地方。 例: the west coast of Scotland. 苏格兰西海岸。
VERB. 动词coasts , coasting , coasted 1.?[I 不及物动词] (车辆的)惯性滑行If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the engine switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. 双语例句例: He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt. 他踩下离合器,滑行了一会儿便停下来了。