释义 |
ADJ. 形容词1.?一年四次的 , 每季的A quarterly event happens four times a year, at intervals of three months. 双语例句例: the latest Bank of Japan quarterly survey of 5,000 companies. 日本银行对5000家公司最新的季度调查。 例: The software group last night announced record quarterly profits of $1.98 billion. 软件组昨晚宣布了季度利润创纪录,达到19.8亿美元。
ADV. 副词1.?一年四次地 , 每季地Something happening quarterly happens four times a year, at intervals of three months. 双语例句例: It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually. 红利是按季度还是按年度支付没有区别。 例: The list will be updated quarterly by the nonprofit Direct Marketing Association. 该列表每季度将由非营利性的直销市场协会更新一次。
NOUN. 名词1.?[C 可数名词] 季刊A quarterly is a magazine that is published four times a year, at intervals of three months. 双语例句例: The quarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate. 这份季刊曾经是颇有见解的学术辩论的论坛。