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单词 tests


  • n.

    试验( test的名词复数 );考验;测验;化验

  • v.

    测验( test的第三人称单数 );考查;考验;勘探

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]测验 a number of questions, exercises, jobs, etc., for measuring one's skill, cleverness or knowledge of a particular subject; short examination
    2. [C]体检,化验 a short medical examination
    3. [C]试验,检验 an occasion of using sth, such as a machine or weapon, see if it works properly
    4. [C]考验 any situation or condition in which the qualities of sth are clear shown
    5. [C]判断准绳,试金石 sth used as a standard when judging or examining sth else
    1. vt. 测验,考查,检查,检验 put to the test; examine
    2. vt. 考验 provide difficult conditions for
    3. vt. 勘探,探测 search (sth) by means of tests



    • n.
      • any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc

        "the test was standardized on a large sample of students"

        同义词:mental testmental testingpsychometric test

      • the act of testing something


      • the act of undergoing testing

        "he survived the great test of battle"


      • trying something to find out about it

        同义词:trialtrial runtryout

      • a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge

        "when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions"


      • a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
    • v.
      • put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

        同义词:provetrytry outexamineessay

      • test or examine for the presence of disease or infection


      • examine someone's knowledge of something

        "The teacher tests us every week"


      • show a certain characteristic when tested

        "He tested positive for HIV"

      • achieve a certain score or rating on a test

        "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"

      • determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
      • undergo a test

        "She doesn't test well"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • bear the test经受考验
    • carry out test进行检查,举行考试
    • conduct test进行检查,举行考试
    • do test进行检查,举行考试
    • draw up a test编排测验
    • give a test举行测验
    • make (up) a test编排测验
    • pass the test测验及格
    • put to the test进行试验〔检验〕
    • run test进行检查,举行考试
    • set a test编排测验,出考卷
    • stand the test经受考验
    • take a test参加测验
    • demanding test要求高的测验
    • difficult test难度高的测验
    • easy test容易的测验
    • exacting test严格的测试
    • long-established test长期确立的试验
    • objective test(由是非题、选择题等组成的)客观性测验
    • the last test最后一次测验
    • thorough test彻底的试验
    • true-and-false test由是非题所构成的考试
    • valuable test有价值的试验
    • worthless test毫无价值的试验
    • ability test能力测验
    • achievement test成绩测验
    • blood test验血
    • competence test资格测试
    • eye test视力检查
    • mid-term test期中测验
    • personality test性格〔品格〕测验
    • road test(汽车、轮胎等性能的)道路测试,(考驾驶汽车执照时的)实地行车考试,路考
    • screen test试镜头
    • sight test视力检查
    • skin test皮肤试验
    • a series of tests一系列检查
    • on test进行测试
    • test for an auto driver's license取得汽车驾驶员执照的考试
    • test in arithmetic算术测验
    • test in chemistry化学测验
    • test in life生活的考验
    • test of scientific criticism科学批评的考验
    • test of strength体力的考验
    • test of time时间的考验
    • test on new material新材料测试
    用作动词 (v.)
    • test the food化验食品
    • test the students检查学生
    • test high考试成绩好
    • test low考试成绩差
    • test definitely明确地实验
    • test exhaustively详尽无遗地实验
    • test experimentally实验性地测试
    • test infallibly无过失地实验
    • test thoroughly彻底地实验
    • test out使受到充分检验
    • test against受…检验
    • test by受…考验
    • test for为…做检查
    • test for poison化验是否有毒
    • test in English用英语测验


    test data测试数据;检查数据

    test result试验结果

    test method检测方法,检测方法

    test for探测;对…进行测验

    test on在…身上做实验;在…做实验;对…进行测试

    model test模型试验

    orthogonal test正交试验

    test equipment测试设备;试验设备;检测设备

    field test现场试验;实地操作试验

    performance test特性试验

    simulation test模拟测试

    on test进行测试

    laboratory test实验试验

    test paper试纸;测验试卷;供检定笔迹的文件

    fatigue test疲劳试验;耐久试验

    pressure test试压;气压试验

    tensile test[化]拉力试验;抗拉试验

    load test负荷试验;加载试验

    test center考试中心;试验中心

    nuclear test核试验



    1. We achieved within seven months an agreement that has stood the test of time.
    2. Our test flight was to discover the bugs in the new plane.
    3. Tomorrow we'll have a history test.
    1. By doing so, you can test the strength of steel.
    2. Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience.
    3. The teacher will test the class on spelling today.
      今天, 老师要对这个班进行一次拼写测验。


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