释义 |
NOUN. 名词1.?[C 可数名词] 跑步A run is a time when you move somewhere on foot more quickly than when you walk, usually for exercise. 双语例句例: After a six-mile run, Jackie returns home for a substantial breakfast. 跑了6英里之后,杰基回家吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。 2.?[SING 单数型名词] 竞选A run for office is an attempt to be elected to office. 双语例句例: He was already preparing his run for the presidency. 他已经在为竞选总统做准备。 3.?[C 可数名词] 出行A run is a trip somewhere. 双语例句例: doing the morning school run. 早上去学校。 4.?[C 可数名词] (戏剧或电视节目的)演出期 , 播放期A run of a play or television programme is the period of time during which performances are given or programmes are shown. 双语例句例: The show will transfer to Broadway on October 9, after a month's run in Philadelphia. 这出戏在费城为期一个月的演出之后,将于10月9日转到百老汇上演。 5.?[SING 单数型名词] 一连串(成功或失败)A run of successes or failures is a series of successes or failures. 双语例句例: The team is haunted by a run of low scores. 这只球队为一连串的低分而苦恼。 6.?[C 可数名词] (产品的)批量A run of a product is the amount that a company or factory decides to produce at one time. 双语例句例: Wayne plans to increase the print run to 1,000. 韦恩计划将印量增加到1千册。 7.?[C 可数名词] (棒球或板球比赛中跑动得到的)一分In cricket or baseball, a run is a score of one, which is made by players running between marked places on the field after hitting the ball. 双语例句例: Pakistan has beaten Sri Lanka by fifty runs. 巴基斯坦以领先五十分战胜了斯里兰卡。 8.?[SING 单数型名词] (对某地的)使用权If someone gives you the run of a place, they give you permission to go where you like in it and use it as you wish. 双语例句例: He had the run of the house and the pool. 他曾拥有这座房子和这个游泳池的使用权。 9.?[SING 单数型名词] 抢购 , 争先获取If there is a run on something, a lot of people want to buy it or get it at the same time. 双语例句例: A run on the dollar has killed off hopes of a rate cut. 对美元的挤兑使人们对降息的希望完全落空。 10.?[C 可数名词] (长筒袜或连裤袜的)抽丝A run is a hole or torn part in a woman's stocking or tights, where some the vertical threads have broken, leaving only the horizontal threads. 双语例句例: I had a run in my stocking. 我的长筒袜抽丝了。 11.?[C 可数名词] (滑雪或乘雪橇的)滑道A ski run or bobsled run is a course or route that has been designed for skiing or for riding in a bobsled. 双语例句例: an avalanche on Colorado's highest ski run. 发生在科罗拉多州最高滑雪道上的一次雪崩。
PHRASAL VERB. 短语动词1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 偶然遇见If you run across someone or something, you meet them or find them unexpectedly. 双语例句例: We ran across some old friends in the village. 我们在村子里撞见了一些老朋友。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 东奔西走If you run around, you go to a lot of places and do a lot of things, often in a rushed or disorganized way. 双语例句例: We had been running around cleaning up. 我们一直忙来忙去做清洁。 例: Jessica was running around with the camera snapping pictures. 杰茜卡拿着照相机四处拍照。 例: I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority. 我不允许你未经我批准在乡下到处乱跑。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 出走If you run away from a place, you leave it because you are unhappy there. 双语例句例: I ran away from home when I was sixteen. 我16岁时离家出走。 例: After his beating, Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since. 挨打后科林出走了,从此杳无音信。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 私奔If you run away with someone, you secretly go away with them in order to live with them or marry them. 双语例句例: She ran away with a man called McTavish last year. 她去年和一个叫麦克塔维什的男人私奔了。 3.?[PHRASAL 短语] 避开If you run away from something unpleasant or new, you try to avoid dealing with it or thinking about it. 双语例句例: They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord. 他们回避了这个问题,希望它会自行消失。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] (想象或情感等)不受(某人)控制If you let your imagination or your emotions run away with you, you fail to control them and cannot think sensibly. 双语例句例: You're letting your imagination run away with you. 你在让自己胡思乱想。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 把(某事)告诉(某人)以征求意见If you run something by someone, you tell them about it or mention it, to see if they think it is a good idea, or can understand it. 双语例句例: I'm definitely interested, but I'll have to run it by Larry Estes. 我非常有兴趣,但我得告诉拉里?埃斯蒂斯,听听他的意见。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 强烈指责If you run people or things down, you criticize them strongly. 双语例句例: I'm always running myself down. 我总是深深自责。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] (车)撞(某人)If a vehicle or its driver runs someone down, the vehicle hits them and injures them. 双语例句例: Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down. 洛扎诺声称摩托车手克莱门特?劳埃德当时正试图撞他。 3.?[PHRASAL 短语] (机器或装置)逐渐耗尽能量 , 运转渐慢If a machine or device runs down, it gradually loses power or works more slowly. 双语例句例: The batteries are running down. 电池快耗完了。 4.?[PHRASAL 短语] 缩减If people run down an industry or an organization, they deliberately reduce its size or the amount of work that it does. 双语例句例: The government is cynically running down Sweden's welfare system. 瑞典政府正自私自利地削减本国的福利。 5.?[PHRASAL 短语] 减少 , 任(某物的数量)降低If someone runs down an amount of something, they reduce it or allow it to decrease. 双语例句例: But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products. 但该调查也显示各企业正在减少库存且停止生产新的产品。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 遇上If you run into problems or difficulties, you unexpectedly begin to experience them. 双语例句例: Wang agreed to sell IBM Systems last year after it ran into financial problems. IBM公司遭遇财政问题后,王先生去年同意出售该公司的操作系统。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 撞见If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly. 双语例句例: He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later. 几分钟后他在走廊里撞见了克雷特勒。 3.?[PHRASAL 短语] 撞上If a vehicle runs into something, it accidentally hits it. 双语例句例: The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree. 该司机没能顺利地转过那道弯,撞上了一棵树。 4.?[PHRASAL 短语] (金额)高达You use run into when indicating that the cost or amount of something is very great. 双语例句例: He said companies should face punitive civil penalties running into millions of dollars. 他说这些公司应当面临高达上百万美元的惩罚性民事罚款。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] (与某人)私奔If you run off with someone, you secretly go away with them in order to live with them or marry them. 双语例句例: The last thing I'm going to do is run off with somebody's husband. 我绝不会和某人的丈夫私奔。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 复印If you run off copies of a piece of writing, you produce them using a machine. 双语例句例: If you want to run off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to. 如果你想今天某个时候复印文件,欢迎你来印。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 用完If you run out of something, you have no more of it left. 双语例句例: They have run out of ideas. 他们已经想不出办法了。 例: We're running out of time. 我们没时间了。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 耗尽If something runs out, it becomes used up so that there is no more left. 双语例句例: Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out. 情况越来越糟,储备物资也快耗尽了。 3.?[PHRASAL 短语] (法律文件)到期When a legal document runs out, it stops being valid. 双语例句例: When the lease ran out the family moved to Cleveland. 租赁合同到期后,这家人搬到了克利夫兰。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 撞倒 , 轧过If a vehicle or its driver runs a person or animal over, it knocks them down or drives over them. 双语例句例: You can always run him over and make it look like an accident. 你总可以选择撞死他,并使之看起来像一起事故。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 过一遍If you run through a list of items, you read or mention all the items quickly. 双语例句例: I ran through the options with him. 我和他过了一遍那些选项。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 排练If you run through a performance or a series of actions, you practise it. 双语例句例: Doug stood still while I ran through the handover procedure. 我排练交接程序的时候,道格站在那儿一动不动。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 积欠(债务)If someone runs up bills or debts, they acquire them by buying a lot of things or borrowing money. 双语例句例: She managed to run up a credit card debt of $60,000. 她竟然用信用卡透支了6万美元。 1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 遇到If you run up against problems, you suddenly begin to experience them. 双语例句例: I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer. 我突然遇到了这样的问题:虽然还没有成为作家,却过早受到了重视。
PHRASE. 习语run someone a close second , run a close second 1.?(比赛中)以极小劣势位居第二If you run someone a close second, or run a close second, you almost beat them in a race or competition. 双语例句例: While 'Nightly' has led in the ratings all season, 'World News Tonight' is running a close second. 《晚间新闻》全年收视率名列前茅,而《晚间世界新闻》紧随其后。 1.?(河流或井)干涸 , (油井)枯竭If a river or well runs dry, it no longer has any water in it. If an oil well runs dry, it no longer produces any oil. 双语例句例: Streams had run dry for the first time in memory. 记忆中,这是小溪第一次干涸了。 2.?(信息或资金)枯竭If a source of information or money runs dry, no more information or money can be obtained from it. 双语例句例: Three days into production, the kitty had run dry. 投产3天,资金已经用完了。 1.?在某人的家族中遗传If a characteristic runs in someone's family, it often occurs in members of that family, in different generations. 双语例句例: The insanity which ran in his family haunted him. 家族遗传的精神病令他惴惴不安。 1.?(情绪)高涨If people's feelings are running high, they are very angry, concerned, or excited. 双语例句例: Feelings there have been running high in the wake of last week's killing. 上周杀人事件之后,那里已是群情激愤。 be running short , be running low 1.?所剩无几If you are running short of something or running low on something, you do not have much of it left. If a supply of something is running short or running low, there is not much of it left. 双语例句例: Government forces are running short of ammunition and fuel. 政府军队的弹药和燃料已所剩不多了。 1.?喋喋不休If you say that someone is running off at the mouth, you are criticizing them for talking too much. 双语例句例: That was when she really started running off at the mouth. I'll bet she hasn't shut up yet. 那会儿她刚开始唠叨。我敢说她还没闭嘴。 make a run for it , run for it 1.?逃离If you make a run for it or if you run for it, you run away in order to escape from someone or something. 双语例句例: A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it. 那伙人中的一个逃跑的时候,一架直升飞机在头顶上空盘旋。 in the long run , in the short run 1.?从长期/短期来看If you talk about what will happen in the long run, you are saying what you think will happen over a long period of time in the future. If you talk about what will happen in the short run, you are saying what you think will happen in the near future. 双语例句例: Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run. 有时昂贵的药物或其他疗法从长远来看是省钱的。 give someone a run for their money 1.?几乎比得上某人If you say that someone could give someone else a run for their money, you mean you think they are almost as good as the other person. 双语例句例: a youngster who even now could give Meryl Streep a run for her money. 一位现在就几乎能与梅里尔?斯特里普相媲美的年轻人。 1.?在逃If someone is on the run, they are trying to escape or hide from someone such as the police or an enemy. 双语例句例: Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a juvenile detention centre. 15岁的丹尼从少年犯拘留所逃了出来。 2.?惨败If someone is on the run, they are being severely defeated in a contest or competition. 双语例句例: I knew I had him on the run. 我知道我已打得他落花流水。
VERB. 动词runs , running , ran , run 1.?[I 不及物动词] 跑When you run, you move more quickly than when you walk, for example because you are in a hurry to get somewhere, or for exercise. 双语例句例: I excused myself and ran back to the telephone. 我道了歉,跑回去接电话。 例: He ran the last block to the White House with two cases of gear. 他带着两箱工具跑过最后一个街区到了白宫。 2.?[I 不及物动词] 参加…赛跑 , 赛跑When someone runs in a race, they run in competition with other people. 双语例句例: when I was running in the New York Marathon. 当我参加纽约马拉松赛跑时。 例: He ran a tremendous race. 他参加了一场大规模赛跑。 3.?[I 不及物动词] 使(马)参加比赛 , (马)参加比赛When a horse runs in a race or when its owner runs it, it competes in a race. 双语例句例: He was overruled by the owner, Peter Bolton, who insisted on Cool Ground running in the Gold Cup. 主人彼得?博尔顿坚持要让“酷地”参加金杯赛马赛会,否决了他的意见。 4.?[I 不及物动词] (道路等)延伸If you say that something long, such as a road, runs in a particular direction, you are describing its course or position. You can also say that something runs the length or width of something else. 双语例句例: the sun-dappled trail which ran through the beech woods. 一条穿过山毛榉树林的阳光斑驳的小路。 5.?[T 及物动词] 铺设(电线或管道等)If you run a wire or tube somewhere, you attach it or pull it from, to, or across a particular place. 双语例句例: Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector. 我们的主人从那所房子里牵出了一条长的延长导线,安置了一块屏幕和一个投影仪。 6.?[T 及物动词] 移动If you run your hand or an object through something, you move your hand or the object through it. 双语例句例: He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. 他大笑了起来,并用手指梳理他的头发。 7.?[T 及物动词] 运行If you run something through a machine, process, or series of tests, you make it go through the machine, process, or tests. 双语例句例: They have gathered the best statistics they can find and run them through their own computers. 他们已经尽力搜集到了所能找到的最佳数据,并将它们输入到自己的电脑里。 8.?[I 不及物动词] 竞选If someone runs for office in an election, they take part as a candidate. 双语例句例: It was only last February that he announced he would run for president. 直到去年2月他才宣布自己将竞选总统。 9.?[T 及物动词] 经营 , 管理If you run something such as a business or an activity, you are in charge of it or you organize it. 双语例句例: His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business. 他的继父曾经营一家生意兴旺的涂料公司。 例: a well-run, profitable organization. 一家经营很好的赢利机构。 10.?[I 不及物动词] 运作 , 运转If you talk about how a system, an organization, or someone's life is running, you are saying how well it is operating or progressing. 双语例句例: Officials in charge of the camps say the system is now running extremely smoothly. 负责营房的官员说这一体制目前运作得相当顺利。 11.?[I 不及物动词] 进行 , 运行If you run an experiment, computer program, or other process, or start it running, you start it and let it continue. 双语例句例: He ran a lot of tests and it turned out I had an infection called mycoplasma. 他进行了多项化验,结果证明我感染了支原体病毒。 12.?[I 不及物动词] 使(机器)运转 , (机器)运转When a machine is running or when you are running it, it is switched on and is working. 双语例句例: We told him to wait outside with the engine running. 我们告诉他在外面等候,不要熄火。 13.?[I 不及物动词] 运转A machine or equipment that runs on or off a particular source of energy functions using that source of energy. 双语例句例: The buses run on diesel. 这些公共汽车使用的是柴油。 14.?[I 不及物动词] 行驶When you say that vehicles such as trains and buses run from one place to another, you mean they regularly travel along that route. 双语例句例: A shuttle bus runs frequently between the inn and the country club. 一辆频繁往返于小客栈与乡村俱乐部的班车。 15.?[T 及物动词] (开车)送If you run someone somewhere in a car, you drive them there. 双语例句例: Could you run me up to Baltimore? 你能开车送我去巴尔的摩吗? 16.?[I 不及物动词] 驾车去If you run over or down to a place that is quite near, you drive there. 双语例句例: I'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams. 我将开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。 17.?[I 不及物动词] (液体)流If a liquid runs in a particular direction, it flows in that direction. 双语例句例: Tears were running down her cheeks. 泪水正沿着她的脸颊流下来。 18.?[T 及物动词] 从水管放(水)If you run water, or if you run a tap or a bath, you cause water to flow from a tap. 双语例句例: She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass. 她走到了水池边,往空玻璃杯里灌水。 19.?[I 不及物动词] 流水If a tap or a bath is running, water is coming out of a tap. 双语例句例: The kitchen sink had been stopped up and the tap left running, so water spilled over onto the floor. 厨房的水槽堵塞了,而水龙头在流水,所以水溢出到地板上了。 20.?[I 不及物动词] 流鼻涕If your nose is running, liquid is flowing out of it, usually because you have a cold. 双语例句例: Timothy was crying, mostly from exhaustion, and his nose was running. 蒂莫西哭了,主要是因为他太累了,而且他还在流鼻涕。 21.?[I 不及物动词] 流下If a surface is running with a liquid, that liquid is flowing down it. 双语例句例: After an hour he realized he was completely running with sweat. 一个小时后,他发现自己已是大汗淋漓。 22.?[I 不及物动词] 播放When you run a cassette or videotape or when it runs, it moves through the machine as the machine operates. 双语例句例: Leaphorn pushed the play button again, ran the tape, pushed stop, pushed rewind. 利福恩再一次按下播放按钮播放磁带,接着按了停止键,然后又按下倒带键。 23.?[I 不及物动词] 渗开If the dye in some cloth or the ink on some paper runs, it comes off or spreads when the cloth or paper gets wet. 双语例句例: The ink had run on the wet paper. 墨迹在那张湿纸上渗开了。 24.?[I 不及物动词] (感觉)传遍 , (念头)掠过If a feeling runs through your body or a thought runs through your mind, you experience it or think it quickly. 双语例句例: She felt a surge of excitement run through her. 她感到一阵激动传遍全身。 25.?[I 不及物动词] (感受、噪音等)传开If a feeling or noise runs through a group of people, it spreads among them. 双语例句例: A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd. 一阵兴奋的嗡嗡声在人群中蔓延开来。 26.?[I 不及物动词] 贯穿If a theme or feature runs through something such as someone's actions or writing, it is present in all of it. 双语例句例: Another thread running through this series is the role of doctors in the treatment of the mentally ill. 贯穿这部连续剧的另一主线是医生们在心理疾病患者的治疗过程中所发挥的作用。 27.?[I 不及物动词] 刊登 , 发表When newspapers or magazines run a particular item or story or if it runs, it is published or printed. 双语例句例: The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a series of four scathing editorials entitled 'The Choice of Our Lives'. 《新奥尔良时代花絮报》连续刊登了4篇题为《我们生活的选择》的尖锐社论。 28.?[I 不及物动词] 处于(某一水平)If an amount is running at a particular level, it is at that level. 双语例句例: Today's figures show inflation running at 10.9 per cent. 今天的数据显示通货膨胀率为10.9。 29.?[I 不及物动词] (戏剧、事件或法律合同等)延续If a play, event, or legal contract runs for a particular period of time, it lasts for that period of time. 双语例句例: It pleased critics but ran for only three months on Broadway. 它得到了评论家的好评,但在百老汇只上演了3个月。 例: The contract was to run from 1992 to 2020. 该合同从1992年至2020年有效。 30.?[I 不及物动词] 进展If someone or something is running late, they have taken more time than had been planned. If they are running on time or ahead of time, they have taken the time planned or less than the time planned. 双语例句例: Tell her I'll call her back later, I'm running late again. 告诉她我过会儿会给她回电话,我又要晚了。 31.?[T 及物动词] 患If you are running a temperature or a fever, you have a high temperature because you are ill. 双语例句例: The little girl is running a fever and she needs help. 这个小女孩正在发烧,她需要帮助。