释义 |
NOUN. 名词1.?[SING 单数型名词] 颤抖A tremble in the body or a part of the body is a slight shake caused by fear or cold. 双语例句例: I will never forget the look on the patient's face, the tremble in his hand. 我永远不会忘记那个病人脸上的表情和他颤抖的手。 2.?[SING 单数型名词] (声音的)发颤If there is a tremble in your voice, it sounds unsteady and uncertain, usually because you are upset or nervous. 双语例句例: 'Please understand this,' she began, a tremble in her voice. “请理解这个”,她开始说道,声音有些发颤。
VERB. 动词trembles , trembling , trembled 1.?[I 不及物动词] 颤抖If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold. 双语例句例: His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over. 他嘴巴干涩,眼睛圆睁,而且全身开始颤抖。 例: Lisa was white and trembling with anger. 莉萨气得脸色发白,身体颤抖。 2.?[I 不及物动词] (轻微地)颤动If something trembles, it shakes slightly. 双语例句例: He felt the earth tremble under him. 他感觉大地在脚下颤动。 3.?[I 不及物动词] (声音)发颤If your voice trembles, it sounds unsteady and uncertain, usually because you are upset or nervous. 双语例句例: His voice trembled, on the verge of tears. 他的声音颤抖着,眼泪快要落下来。