释义 |
ADJ. 形容词1.?地下的Something that is underground is below the surface of the ground. 双语例句例: an underground parking garage for 2,100 vehicles. 一座能停放2100辆车的地下停车库。 2.?秘密的 , 地下的Underground groups and activities are secret because their purpose is to oppose the government and they are illegal. 双语例句例: the underground Kashmir Liberation Front. 秘密的克什米尔解放阵线。
ADV. 副词1.?在地下Something that is underground is below the surface of the ground. 双语例句例: Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground. 低放射性固体废物将被弃置在地下深处。 2.?秘密地 , 在地下If you go underground, you hide from the authorities or the police because your political ideas or activities are illegal. 双语例句例: After the violent clashes of 1981 they either went underground or left the country. 1981年的暴力冲突之后,他们要么转入了地下,要么离开了这个国家。
NOUN. 名词1.?[SING 单数型名词] 地铁The underground in a city is the railway system in which electric trains travel below the ground in tunnels.