标题 | 外国笑话~~客户在理发店 |
正文 | 外国笑话~~客户在理发店 英文原版 visiting a barbershop A man enters a barber shop for a shave , while the barber is foaming him up , he mentions the problems he has getting a close have around the cheeks . “ I have just the thing ,” says the barber taking a small wooden ball from a nearby drawer . “just place this between your cheek and gum.” The client places the ball in his mouth and the barber proceeds with the closest have the man has ever experienced . after a few strokes the client ask in garbled speech . “and what if I swallow it?” “no problem,” says the barber , “just bring it back tomorrow like everyone else does.” 译文/柏毓 客户在理发店 一位男人走进一家理发店刮脸,理发师先给他脸抹发泡,而提起个问题要他鼓起脸颊,这样才能把脸颊周围刮的干净。 理发师并很熟练地顺手就从附近的一个抽屉里把一个小型木球拿出来,热情周到地说:“只是把它像口香糖似的含在嘴里脸颊立刻就鼓起来了。” 客户按照理发师的指导,把木球搁入客户嘴里,这时候理发师轻车熟路地在顾客脸上操练收益不浅。在如此折腾后,顾客含含糊糊向理发师问:“如果我把木球吞下去怎么办啊?” 理发师很把握地安慰客户回答:“没问题,”并胸有成竹地说,“像其他人一样,明天再还给我就可以了。” (戊戌初九译文草笔,请各位亲友们笑读指点斧正?!) |
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