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单词 people-to-people contacts and exchanges

people-to-people contacts and exchanges



Friendly Exchanges and People-to-People Contact Between Pakistan and India: Imperatives and Impediments
Contact people for exchange programmes - Faculty of Translation and Interpreting - UNIGE
Promoting People-to-people Exchanges and Building a Favorable Atmosphere——Sidelights on CAFIU Delegation’s Visit to Japan and the...
People-to-people contact in China-Africa relations: history, achievement and features
The guide lines for national unification
The Social Contacts and Cultural Exchanges between the Byzantine Greeks and Western Latins during the 11th century
Culture contact and exchange in Iron Age north Sardinia (900 BC-200 BC)
Art-related Encounters and Interactions: Contact and Exchange between New Zealand and the United States, 1955 to 1974
Enhance People to People Contact Between China and Russia for More Exchanges and Cooperation
People-to-people Diplomacy towards South Asia: Status-quo,Problems and Countermeasures




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