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单词 drive


英 [dra?v]
美 [dra?v]
  • v.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vt. 驱赶 force to go
    2. vt. & vi. 驾驶 move or travel (in a vehicle with more than two wheels)while guiding and controlling it
    3. vt. 驱使,促使 force (sb) to act
    4. vt. 敲,击 go in a specified direction or into a specified position
    1. [C]乘车旅行 journey in a car
    2. [C]路程journey
    3. [C]击球 stroke made by driving in tennis, golf, cricket
    4. [C]私人车道 private road, etc. by which vehicles can approach a house from the road or street
    5. [C][U]传动,驱动 transmission of power to machinery
    6. [C]运动,攻势 organized effort or campaign to achieve
    7. [C][U]欲望 desire to attain a goal or satisfy a need
    8. [U]干劲,积极性,能动性 energy, ability to get things done
    9. [C]紧迫,逼迫,压力 being by force
    10. [C]打击,冲击strike


    drive[ draiv ]

    • n.
      • the act of applying force to propel something

        "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"

        同义词:thrustdriving force

      • a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine

        "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds"

      • a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

        "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"


      • a road leading up to a private house

        "they parked in the driveway"

        同义词:drivewayprivate road

      • the trait of being highly motivated

        "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"

      • hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver

        "he sliced his drive out of bounds"


      • the act of driving a herd of animals overland
      • a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)

        "he took the family for a drive in his new car"


      • a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
      • (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium
      • a wide scenic road planted with trees

        "the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views"


      • (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
    • v.
      • operate or control a vehicle

        "drive a car or bus"; "Can you drive this four-wheel truck?"

      • travel or be transported in a vehicle


      • cause someone or something to move by driving
      • force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically

        "He drives me mad"


      • to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly

        "She is driven by her passion"

      • cause to move back by force or influence

        同义词:repelrepulseforce backpush backbeat back

      • compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
      • push, propel, or press with force
      • cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force

        "drive the ball far out into the field"

      • strive and make an effort to reach a goal


      • move into a desired direction of discourse


      • have certain properties when driven

        "My new truck drives well"


      • work as a driver

        "He drives a bread truck"; "She drives for the taxi company in Newark"

      • move by being propelled by a force
      • urge forward

        "drive the cows into the barn"

      • proceed along in a vehicle

        "We drive the turnpike to work"


      • strike with a driver, as in teeing off

        "drive a golf ball"

      • hit very hard and straight with the bat swinging more or less vertically

        "drive a ball"

      • excavate horizontally

        "drive a tunnel"

      • cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling

        "The amplifier drives the tube"; "steam drives the engines"; "this device drives the disks for the computer"

      • hunting: search for game

        "drive the forest"

      • hunting: chase from cover into more open ground

        "drive the game"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • drive a ball right out of the court将球打至球场外
    • drive a car开车
    • drive a matter to the last moment把问题拖延到最后一刻
    • drive a nail through a wall把钉子钉进墙壁
    • drive a railway through the desert在沙漠开通铁路
    • drive a ship开轮船
    • drive a tractor开拖拉机
    • drive a train开火车
    • drive cattle to pasture把牛赶至牧场
    • drive children to驾车送孩子到…
    • drive foreign goods out of the market将进口货逐出市场
    • drive one's own car驾驶某人自己的汽车
    • drive the boy逼迫男孩
    • drive the enemy out of our country把敌人从我们国家赶出去
    • drive the mill with water power用水能驱动粉碎机
    • drive ashore向岸边行驶
    • drive hard工作辛苦
    • drive slow开得很慢
    • drive well驾驶得很好
    • drive briskly敏捷地驾驶
    • drive cautiously谨慎地驾驶
    • drive electrically用电力发动机器
    • drive helplessly无助地驾驶
    • drive irresistibly不可抗拒地驱使
    • drive masterfully专横地驱使
    • drive oppressively迫使
    • drive steadily平稳地驾驶
    • drive tensely加紧驱赶
    • drive about on bicycle骑自行车到处逛
    • drive away乘车走,开着车走掉
    • drive away an enemy赶走敌人
    • drive away at一心做
    • drive away at one's work一心做自己的工作
    • drive back驾车返回,迫使…后退
    • drive down驾车驶去
    • drive home把…敲入,使完全插入,把…讲得透彻有力
    • drive in驾车驶进
    • drive off把车开走,驱散,清除,打败〔退〕
    • drive off a crowd赶跑一群人
    • drive on继续往前开
    • drive out用车把…送出,驾车外出,逐出,排斥,排出
    • drive out the enemy把敌人赶出去
    • drive out into the country驾车到郊外去玩
    • drive up开了过来,抬高,使上
    • drive across the field驱车越过田野
    • drive across the sky在天空疾驰
    • drive against the window击窗
    • drive along沿…行驶
    • drive along the beach沿海滩行驶
    • drive at意指,用意在于,指望,想,打算
    • drive before the wind顺风行驶
    • drive down沿…行驶
    • drive from从…赶下
    • drive into用车把…送进,赶进,敲进
    • drive into a corner逼入困境
    • drive out of驱逐
    • drive out of country赶出国土
    • drive sb out of his mind把某人逼疯,使某人神经错乱
    • drive over压过
    • drive through乘车开过
    • drive through a place驾车经过某地
    • drive to驱车前往
    • drive to a hotel驾车送…到旅馆
    • drive to school驾车送…上学
    • drive to station送…到车站
    • drive toward朝…推进
    • drive with为…驾驶
    用作名词 (n.)
    • build a drive修一条车道
    • have drive发奋积极性
    • lack drive缺乏进取心
    • launch a drive发起一场运动
    • lose drive丧失了积极性
    • take a drive驱车游玩
    • great drive进取心强的人
    • ruthless drive无情的压力
    • advertising drive宣传运动
    • arms drive军备竞赛
    • bridge drive桥牌比赛
    • crosscountry drive驾车越野旅行
    • export drive出口鼓励
    • fundraising drive筹集资金运动
    • production drives生产运动
    • propaganda drive宣传运动
    • sales drive销售运动
    • drive against猛击
    • drive on猛攻


    drive system驱动系统,传动系统

    hard drive(电脑)硬盘驱动器

    drive in钉入;赶进;运球突破

    drive from从…赶走…;从…开车来

    motor drive电动机

    main drive主传动;主驱动装置;肢动装置

    drive away赶走;(把车)开走;离去

    drive mechanism驱动机构;传动装置

    drive out驱赶;开车外出

    disk drive n. 磁盘驱动器

    drive a car驾车;开小汽车

    drive on可以开上去的;继续开车

    gear drive齿轮传动

    drive up抬高;开车赶到;迫使…上升

    drive circuit驱动电路;激励电路

    electric drive电力传动;电力驱动装置

    direct drive直接驱动;直接传动

    drive shaft驱动轴;主动轴

    drive control 驱动控制(等于horizontal drive control)

    hydraulic drive液压传动;液动



    ride, drive




    motivate, drive, prompt






    1. He is too little to drive a car.
    2. Don't drink and drive.
    3. They got a cat to drive out the mice.
    4. A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything.
    5. Loneliness almost drived her mad.
    1. We went for a drive in the afternoon.
    2. He mislaid his principles in the drive for success.
    3. He is clever but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.
    4. The carriage rolled along the drive.
    5. There is no disk in the selected drive.


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    TGF-beta and IL-6 drive the production of IL-17 and IL-10 by T cells and restrain T(H)-17 cell-mediated pathology.
    Kinase-Dead BRAF and Oncogenic RAS Cooperate to Drive Tumor Progression through CRAF
    IGIF Does Not Drive Th1 Development but Synergizes with IL-12 for Interferon-γ Production and Activates IRAK and NFκB
    Primate anterior cingulate cortex: where motor control, drive and cognition interface.
    The endogenous cannabinoid system affects energy balance via central orexigenic drive and peripheral lipogenesis.




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