单词 | dug-out |
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是什么意思 英英释义dug-out[ 'd?ɡaut ]
学习怎么用 双语例句1. Awomenisdugoutofhercollapsedapartmentblockafterbeingtrappedfor10hours.She calls out for her mother, who was injured. 一名妇女在她的公寓倒塌后,被困在废墟之下达10小时。她被救出后,还哭喊着为她受伤的母亲求救。 www.tingvoa.com 2. Shediscoveredthatthisboywasasblack as a piece of coaljustbeingdugoutfrom a mine, while as solid as a stonestatue. 她发现这个男生,黑得像刚从煤窑里挖出来似的,结实得像尊石雕,却带着海涅的诗集。 read.guanhuaju.com 3. There's a strong scourwiththeebb,'hesaid,'and this here passage has been dugout, in a mannerofspeaking, with a spade. “退潮时这里水冲得急,”他说,“把这里的入口挖了,可以说就像铲子铲似的。” www.eduzhai.net 4. Oiloozingoutofrocksordugoutbyhandwasusuallyenoughtomeet the modest needs of those wholivednearby. 从岩缝里渗漏出的或者人工挖掘的石油通常足够满足附近居民的需要。 5. a pieceofturfdugoutofalawnorfairway(byananimalshoovesoragolfclub). 从草坪或航路上被动物或高尔夫俱乐部挖去的一块草皮。 it.bab.la 6. It's the classic blueprint of amedievalcastle,itsthickouterwallsseparatedfromtheinnerstructurebyamoatdugout of the rock. 这是一座典型的中世纪城堡,一条由岩石槽出的护城河把它厚实的外墙和内部建筑从结构上分开。 www.douban.com 7. Somesurvivors have been dugoutof buildings by hand,butthoseburieddeepwithin them cannot befreedwithoutheavyequipment. 有些幸存者从废墟中掘出生路,但是对于那些深埋在废墟中的人来说,没有重机械的帮助而逃生无异于异想天开。 www.ecocn.org 8. Theytrappedredgrouperinacage without a bottom; thefishdugout of it. 他们把赤点石斑鱼诱捕进一个无底的笼子里;赤点石斑鱼挖出通道逃了出来。 9. He pored over amapwhileIcollectedwoodfora fireandNathandugoutaseatforusall. 他查看地图,我找木头生火,南森则为我们挖好坐的地方。 10. Theyleftstrugglingwithsuitcasesandbagsfilledwithclothesandotherpersonalitemsdugoutfromwhatusedtobetheirhomes. 他们从曾经属于自己的家园中挖出衣物和个人用品,塞满了手提箱和袋子,踉跄离去。 www.elanso.com
权威例句Feasibility studies on mangrove Avicennia marina cultivation below ground level along the bank of a dug-out pondDug-out Canoe in Algoa BayDug-out Canoe in Algoa BayDug-out Canoe in Algoa BayDug-out Canoe in Algoa BayThe conservation of a waterlogged dug-out canoe using natural freeze-dryingA a??Dug-outa?? Canoe from South Wales: with Notes on the Chronology, Typology, and Distribution of Monoxylous Craft in Englan...Stone Age Dug-out Boats in Denmark: Occurrence, Age, Form and reconstructionTHE MAKING OF A DUG-OUT CANOEExperiences of a dug-out 1914-1918
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