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单词 laughs


  • n.

    笑声( laugh的名词复数 );笑态;笑料;

  • v.

    笑( laugh的第三人称单数 );发笑;嘲笑;(特别表示因成功而)处于有利地位

  • 双语释义

    1. vi. 笑,发笑,嘲笑 express amusement, happiness, scorn by making explosive sounds with the voice while smiling
    2. vt. 以笑表示…,以笑感动或影响 express by laughing;move or influence by laughter
    1. [C]笑,笑声,笑态 sound or manner of laughing
    2. [S]笑料 amusing incident or person



    • n.
      • the sound of laughing


      • a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing

        "his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision"

      • a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter

        "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"


    • v.produce laughter

      同义词:express joyexpress mirth



    用作动词 (v.)
    • laugh a hearty laugh尽情地大笑
    • laugh a reply以笑作答
    • laugh one's assent以笑表示同意
    • laugh one's disrespect以笑表示轻蔑
    • laugh one's dissent以笑表示不同意
    • laugh one's pleasure以笑表示的快乐
    • laugh one's thanks以笑表示的感谢
    • laugh oneself breathless笑得上气不接下气
    • laugh aloud放声大笑
    • laugh best笑得最好
    • laugh boisterously兴高采烈地笑
    • laugh complacently得意地笑,心满意足地笑
    • laugh derisively嘲弄地笑
    • laugh discordantly阴阳怪气地笑
    • laugh dramatically装腔作势地笑
    • laugh drunkenly醉醺醺地笑
    • laugh excessively极度地笑
    • laugh foolishly傻傻地笑
    • laugh gleefully开心地笑
    • laugh good-humoredly性情好地笑
    • laugh gratingly刺耳地笑
    • laugh grimly冷冷地笑
    • laugh gustily突发地笑
    • laugh heartily由衷地笑
    • laugh heavily大笑
    • laugh hugely大笑
    • laugh humorously幽默地笑
    • laugh hysterically歇斯底里地笑
    • laugh immoderately无节制地笑
    • laugh lightly轻轻地笑
    • laugh loudly纵声地笑
    • laugh maliciously恶毒地笑
    • laugh merrily欢乐地笑
    • laugh musically悦耳地笑
    • laugh nervously神经质地嘲笑
    • laugh rudely粗鲁地笑
    • laugh scornfully轻蔑地笑
    • laugh sheepishly羞怯地笑
    • laugh significantly具有某种意义地笑
    • laugh spitefully恶意地笑
    • laugh uproariously吵闹地笑
    • laugh wryly苦苦地笑
    • laugh away不断地笑,用笑驱除
    • laugh one's fear away以笑驱除恐惧
    • laugh down用(轻蔑的)笑声打断(或拒绝,驱走等)
    • laugh off一笑置之
    • laugh one's head off笑掉大牙,笑破肚皮
    • laugh off stage喝倒彩
    • laugh off suggestions对建议一笑置之
    • laugh about讥笑
    • laugh against对…笑
    • laugh at对…笑,嘲笑
    • laugh at a joke听到笑话大笑
    • laugh at a person嘲笑某人
    • laugh at sb's efforts嘲笑某人的努力
    • laugh at the problem轻视此事
    • laugh in one's sleeve暗自高兴
    • laugh in sb's face对某人公开表示轻蔑
    • laugh in scorn轻蔑地嘲笑
    • laugh on the other side of one's mouth转喜为忧
    • laugh out of court一笑置之
    • laugh over边笑边谈论
    • laugh over a book笑谈某书
    • laugh over a letter笑着谈论一封信
    • laugh oneself to death笑得要死
    • laugh sb to scorn嘲笑某人
    • laugh with同…一起笑
    用作名词 (n.)
    • break into a laugh突然笑起来
    • bring a laugh带来一阵笑声
    • burst into a laugh突然笑起来
    • cause a laugh引起一阵笑声
    • draw a laugh引起一阵笑声
    • enjoy a big laugh放声大笑
    • excite a laugh引起一阵笑声
    • force a laugh强作笑脸
    • get a laugh引起笑声
    • give a laugh大笑
    • give a happy laugh高兴地笑了
    • have a laugh笑一阵,发笑
    • have a laugh about sth觉得某事好笑
    • have a laugh at a person嘲笑某人
    • hear a laugh听到笑声
    • horse a laugh放声大笑
    • join in the laugh随着大笑,与…一起笑
    • laugh a hearty laugh纵情〔放声〕大笑
    • raise a laugh引起一阵笑声
    • shy little laugh羞答答地微微一笑
    • angry laugh愤怒
    • approving laugh表示赞许的笑
    • astonished laugh吃惊的笑
    • big laugh大笑
    • bitter laugh苦笑
    • careless laugh无忧无虑的笑
    • cheery laugh欢笑,愉快的笑
    • childish laugh孩子气的笑
    • coarse laugh粗俗的笑
    • cold laugh冷笑
    • constrained laugh勉强不自然的笑
    • crackling laugh清脆的笑
    • deep laugh深沉的笑
    • delicious laugh怡人的笑
    • discordant laugh心不在焉的笑
    • drunken laugh醉醺醺的笑
    • empty laugh无意义的笑
    • evil laugh邪恶的笑
    • familiar laugh熟悉的笑
    • fearsome laugh令人恐怖的笑
    • foolish laugh傻笑
    • forced laugh勉强地笑
    • funny laugh古怪的笑
    • gay laugh快活的笑
    • gentle laugh温和的笑
    • good laugh大笑
    • happy laugh愉快的笑
    • hard laugh苦笑
    • hearty laugh发自内心的笑
    • horrid laugh吓人的笑
    • humorous laugh诙谐的笑
    • impish laugh顽皮的笑
    • irritating laugh恼人的笑
    • jeering laugh嘲讽的笑
    • little laugh微笑
    • loud laugh大笑
    • low laugh低声笑
    • mild laugh轻微的笑
    • musical laugh悦耳的笑
    • nervous laugh紧张不安的笑
    • noisy laugh大声笑
    • polite laugh很有礼貌的笑
    • rapturous laugh欣喜若狂的笑
    • relieved laugh轻松的笑
    • ringing laugh响亮的笑
    • scornful laugh轻蔑的笑
    • shy laugh羞怯的笑
    • silent laugh不出声的笑
    • silver laugh清脆的笑
    • simple laugh天真的笑
    • spiteful laugh恶意的笑
    • startling laugh使人震惊的笑
    • suppressed laugh克制的笑
    • sweet laugh甜蜜的笑
    • terrible laugh令人恐怖的笑
    • triumphant laugh胜利的笑
    • uneasy laugh令人不安的笑
    • unpleasant laugh令人厌恶的笑
    • weak laugh微弱的笑
    • wild laugh狂乱的笑
    • young laugh稚气的笑
    • do sth for a laugh为取乐而做某事
    • simply for laughs纯粹为了娱乐〔消遣〕
    • on the laugh笑着
    • with a laugh随着一阵笑声
    • answer with a laugh以笑作答
    • say with a laugh笑着说


    laugh at嘲笑;因…而发笑

    the last laugh最后的胜利

    burst out laughing突然笑起来;不禁大笑

    no laughing matter正经事;不是闹着玩的

    laugh off用笑摆脱

    have the last laugh v. 笑在最后;取得最后胜利

    for laughs[美国俚语]为了取乐,当作消遣,借以开心

    laugh loudly大声笑

    have a good laugh笑得好开心

    laugh out loud大声笑

    horse laugh不信任的嘲笑;大声狂笑;哈哈大笑

    laugh it off一笑而过

    belly laugh捧腹大笑

    laugh over笑着谈论;想着…发笑

    laugh away用笑驱除恐惧等;付之一笑;谈笑中消磨时间



    1. He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it.
    2. It is natural to laugh when you are happy.
    3. You have to laugh and find humor every day.
    4. You should not laugh at the handicapped.
    5. She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.
    1. The captain's cheerful laugh dispelled our fears.
    2. Her laugh was as grateful to him as a summer wind.
    3. He told me the news with a laugh.
    4. What a laugh to say that!


    How the brain laughs
    Phonetic Aspects of"Speech-Laughs
    Humor consulting: laughs for power and profit in organizations
    The ‘Other’ Laughs Back: Humour and Resistance in Anti-racist Comedy
    Not all laughs are alike: voiced but not unvoiced laughter readily elicits positive affect
    Not all laughs are alike : Voiced but not unvoiced laughter elicits positive affect in listeners
    Expect Laughs, Not Jokes, from Wrestler; 'I Wouldn't Be Coming to Jacksonville Unless I Was Going to Be Good'
    Now that i think about it, i'm in the mood for laughs: decisions focused on mood
    Contagious laughter: Laughter is a sufficient stimulus for laughs and smiles
    How the brain laughs. Comparative evidence from behavioral, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies in human and monkey.




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