释义 |
PHRASAL VERB. 短语动词1.?[PHRASAL 短语] 避开(问题或人)If you fend off unwanted questions, problems, or people, you stop them from affecting you or defend yourself from them, but often only for a short time and without dealing with them completely. 双语例句例: He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's press. 他在回避各国媒体的提问时显得气定神闲。 2.?[PHRASAL 短语] 挡住(攻击)If you fend off someone who is attacking you, you use your arms or something such as a stick to defend yourself from their blows. 双语例句例: He raised his hand to fend off the blow. 他抬起手挡住了那一击。
VERB. 动词1.?[I 不及物动词] 照料(自己)If you have to fend for yourself, you have to look after yourself without relying on help from anyone else. 双语例句例: The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves. 这个女人和她年幼的婴儿被逐出家门,只得自谋生路。