释义 |
ADJ. 形容词1.?直率的You use outright to describe behaviour and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect. 双语例句例: Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie. 川口最后干脆公开撒谎。 2.?完全彻底的Outright means complete and total. 双语例句例: She had failed to win an outright victory. 她没能大获全胜。
ADV. 副词1.?直率地When referring to behaviour and actions, outright means openly and directly, rather than indirectly. 双语例句例: Why are you so mysterious? Why don't you tell me outright? 你为什么这么神神秘秘?为什么不直截了当地告诉我? 2.?完全彻底地Outright means completely and totally. 双语例句例: The peace plan wasn't rejected outright. 该和平计划没有被全盘否定。
PHRASE. 习语1.?当即死亡If someone is killed outright, they die immediately, for example, in an accident.