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单词 attacking


  • v.

    攻击,进攻,抨击( attack的现在分词 );非难;损害;

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 攻击,进攻 use violence on, especially with weapons
    2. vt. & vi. 抨击 speak or write strongly against
    3. vt. 着手; 从事 begin with eagerness
    4. vt. 侵袭; 伤害 harm, spoil, trouble, damage, especially by a continuing action
    1. [C][U]攻击,袭击 violent attempt to defeat
    2. [C]抨击,辱骂 writing, word, or action directed forcefully against a person, plan, etc.
    3. [C](疾病)侵袭,发作 a sudden bout of illness
    4. [U]开始的方式 way of beginning



    • adj.disposed to attack




    用作动词 (v.)
    • attack a town突袭城镇
    • attack the enemy攻击敌人
    • attack the foremost position攻击前沿阵地
    • attack the government's policy攻击政府的政策
    • attack a person攻击人
    • attack the Presidential Palace攻击总统府
    • attack problem解决问题
    • attack sb's proposal攻击…建议
    • attack anonymously不具名地抨击
    • attack ardently强烈地抨击
    • attack artfully狡猾地攻击
    • attack barbarously无礼地抨击
    • attack bitterly攻击到底
    • attack blasphemously带有亵渎意味地攻击
    • attack blindly盲目地攻击
    • attack boldly大胆地攻击
    • attack bravely勇敢地攻击
    • attack casually随意地攻击
    • attack characteristically具有特色地攻击
    • attack consciously有意识地攻击
    • attack criminally错误地攻击
    • attack curtly轻率地攻击
    • attack decisively决定性地攻击
    • attack despairingly绝望地攻击
    • attack determinedly坚决地攻击
    • attack diplomatically机敏地攻击
    • attack doubtfully难以预料地攻击
    • attack dramatically戏剧性地攻击
    • attack energetically充满活力地攻击
    • attack eventually最终攻击
    • attack extensively大规模地攻击
    • attack fiercely猛烈地攻击
    • attack furiously猛烈地攻击
    • attack harshly严厉地攻击
    • attack hurriedly仓促地攻击
    • attack immediately立即攻击
    • attack impetuously急躁地攻击
    • attack incautiously轻易地攻击
    • attack incessantly持续不断地攻击
    • attack infrequently罕见地攻击
    • attack insidiously不知不觉地攻击
    • attack intelligently聪明地攻击
    • attack madly疯狂地攻击
    • attack mockingly愚蠢地攻击
    • attack murderously致命地攻击
    • attack obliquely间接性地攻击
    • attack passively消极攻击
    • attack personally人身攻击
    • attack prematurely过早地攻击
    • attack probably适当地攻击
    • attack quickly迅速攻击
    • attack rapidly迅速攻击
    • attack recklessly轻率地攻击
    • attack regretfully遗憾地攻击
    • attack reluctantly不情愿地攻击
    • attack reasonably明智地攻击
    • attack restlessly不停地攻击
    • attack ridiculously荒唐可笑地抨击
    • attack ruthlessly无情地攻击
    • attack satirically讽刺性地攻击
    • attack satisfactorily满意地攻击
    • attack savagely野蛮地攻击
    • attack scathingly不留情地抨击
    • attack scurrilously以下流方式攻击
    • attack shamelessly无耻地攻击
    • attack sharply尖刻地攻击
    • attack shortly立即攻击
    • attack simultaneously同一时间地攻击
    • attack skeptically心存怀疑地攻击
    • attack sorely使人伤心地攻击
    • attack successfully成功地攻击
    • attack treacherously背信弃义地攻击
    • attack unbelievably不可思议地攻击
    • attack unexpectedly意外地攻击
    • attack unscrupulously肆无忌惮地攻击
    • attack unwisely不明智地攻击
    • attack vehemently激烈地攻击
    • attack verbally口头地攻击
    • attack viciously恶意地攻击
    • attack vigorously精力充沛地抨击
    • attack virulently恶毒地抨击
    • attack against对…的进攻
    • attack sb/sth by surprise突然袭击(某人〔某物〕)
    • attack sb/sth by words用语言抨击
    • attack from the sky空袭
    • attack in the darkness夜袭
    • attack of fever发高烧
    • attack of influenza感冒
    • attack on对…的进攻
    • attack with a disease受疾病侵扰
    用作名词 (n.)
    • blunt an attack挫败进攻
    • break up an attack瓦解进攻
    • carry out an attack发动攻击
    • come under attack遭到抨击
    • deliver an attack发动攻击
    • design an attack拟定进攻计划
    • initiate the attack开始进攻
    • launch an attack发动攻击
    • lead an attack指挥攻击
    • level an attack进行攻击
    • make an attack发动攻击
    • mount an attack发动攻击
    • press an attack加紧进攻
    • provoke an attack挑起(敌方)进攻
    • renew an attack重新发起进攻
    • repel an attack打退进攻
    • repulse an attack击退进攻
    • resist an attack抵抗进攻,抵御攻击
    • sneak an attack偷袭
    • spearhead an attack当进攻的先锋
    • have an attack of患有…病
    • aerial attack空袭
    • all-out attack全面攻击
    • bitter attack猛烈攻击
    • blistering attack狠狠抨击
    • concerted attack联合进攻
    • coordinated attack协调一致的进攻
    • decisive attack决定性攻击
    • fatal attack致命的攻击
    • fierce attack猛烈攻击
    • flank attack侧面攻击
    • frontal attack正面攻击
    • full-scale attack全面进攻
    • hit-and-run attack打了就跑的攻击
    • general attack总攻
    • mock attack模拟进攻
    • nibbling attack吞食进攻
    • personal attack人身攻击
    • preemptive attack先发制人的进攻
    • savage attack野蛮的攻击
    • scathing attack严厉的抨击
    • scurrilous attack谩骂攻击
    • sharp attack尖锐的抨击
    • sudden attack突然袭击
    • swift and fierce attack凌厉的攻势
    • unprovoked attack无缘无故的攻击
    • vicious attack恶毒的攻击
    • vigorous attack猛攻
    • violent attack猛烈的攻击
    • virulent attack恶毒的攻击
    • wanton attack肆无忌惮的攻击
    • acute attack急性发作
    • feverish attack发烧
    • frequent attack时常发作
    • light attack轻微的发作
    • recurrent attack再度发作
    • slight attack轻微的发作
    • air attack空袭
    • blitz attack闪电式袭击
    • enemy attack敌方的进攻
    • flank attack侧翼进攻
    • guerrilla attack游击队的进攻
    • heart attack心脏病发作
    • insect attack虫害袭击
    • liver attack肝病发作
    • night attack夜袭
    • nuclear attack核攻击
    • surprise attack奇袭
    • torpedo attack鱼雷袭击
    • be on attack采取攻势
    • in attack在攻击中
    • under attack遭到攻击
    • attack against对…的进攻
    • attack against the business policy对商业政策的猛烈抨击
    • attack from the sky空袭
    • attack in the darkness夜袭
    • attack of asthma气喘病
    • attack of fever发高烧
    • attack of flu流感
    • attack of indigestion消化不良症
    • attack of influenza感冒
    • attack of malaria疟疾
    • attack of the blues闷闷不乐
    • attack on对…的进攻
    • attack on the problem着手解决该问题


    attacking midfielder前腰;攻击型前卫


    1. The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers.
    2. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
    1. The enemy attacked us at night.
    2. There is a newspaper article attacking the Prime Minister.
    3. Once you show any sign of fear, he will attack you.
    4. It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.


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