单词 | post-Saddam |
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post-Saddam是什么意思 学习怎么用 词汇搭配短语 post-Saddam Iraq萨达姆下台后的伊拉克 post-Saddam E Iraq萨达姆下台后的伊拉克 post-Saddam ? Iraq萨达姆下台后的伊拉克 双语例句1. By then,postSaddamHusseinmodernizationandinvestment started to pay offandIraqioilproductionbegantoclimb. 从那时起,后萨达姆?侯赛因时代的现代化和投资开始初见成效,伊拉克石油产量开始攀升。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Post-SaddamIraqhashadgenuinemultipartyelectionsbutismiredincorruption,violenceandsectarianstrife. 后萨达姆时代的伊拉克有了真正的多党制选举,却陷入了腐败、暴力和派系斗争的泥潭。 www.ecocn.org 3. Libyais enmeshed in violent chaos.Post-SaddamIraqremainsfertile ground for Iranianinfluence. 后萨达姆(Saddam)时期的伊拉克,仍然是伊朗发挥影响力的沃土。 4. Thefirstforeignfirmawardedapost-SaddamHusseincontractwas the Chinese National PetroleumCorp. 中石化是后萨达姆.侯赛因时期首个获得开采合同的外国石油公司。 5. Theysawpost-SaddamIraqasacrucialbaseforU.S.militarypower. 他们认为推翻萨达姆政权之后的伊拉克会是美国重要的军事基地。 6. Apost-Saddamwaveofanti-USguerrilla warfarehasbrokenout. 甚至在萨达姆被捕之后,伊拉克又爆发了新一轮反美游击战。 www.fabiao.net
权威例句Iran's Foreign Policy Strategy after SaddamAfter Saddam:Prewar Planning and the Occupation of IraqThe Kurds in Post-Saddam IraqThe Kurds in Post-Saddam IraqAfter Saddam, an Uncertain Future: As the U.S. War Machine Shifts into High Gear, the Debate about the Role of Oil and Who, or What ...Iran‐Iraq relations after SaddamPolarization Between Occupier and Occupied in Post-Saddam Iraq: Colonial Humiliation and the Formation of Political ViolenceDefense Strategy for the Post-Saddam Era:Defense Strategy for the Post-Saddam EraIslamist Politics in Iraq after Saddam Hussein
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