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单词 look


英 [l?k]
美 [l?k]
  • vt.& vi.


  • vi.


  • n.


  • int.


  • 变形



    1. vi. & vt. 看,瞧 turn the eyes so as to see sth or see in the stated direction
    2. vi. 面向,朝向 face in the stated direction
    3. link-v. 看来,显得 seem by expression or appearance
    1. [S]看,瞥 an act of looking
    2. [S]脸色,神色,表情 an expression in the eyes or on the face
    3. [P]容貌 person's appearance


    look[ luk ]

    • n.
      • the feelings expressed on a person's face

        "a look of triumph"

        同义词:expressionaspectfacial expressionface

      • the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually

        "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"

        同义词:lookinglooking at

      • physical appearance

        "I don't like the looks of this place"

      • the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people


    • v.
      • perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards

        "She looked over the expanse of land"

      • give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect

        "This project looks fishy"


      • have a certain outward or facial expression

        "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"

      • search or seek

        "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"


      • be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to

        "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"


      • take charge of or deal with

        同义词:attendtake caresee

      • convey by one's expression

        "She looked her devotion to me"

      • look forward to the probable occurrence of

        "She is looking to a promotion"


      • accord in appearance with

        "You don't look your age!"

      • have faith or confidence in




    用作动词 (v.)
    • look a gift horse in the mouth对一礼物吹毛求疵
    • look death in the face决意一死,不顾死活
    • look one's affairs in the face深知自己的财政状况
    • look one's age〔years〕看模样和岁数相同
    • look one's consent面露同意之色
    • look one's despair露出失望之色
    • look one's gratitude用眼神表示谢意
    • look one's thanks面露感激之色
    • look oneself不改常态,是正常的样子
    • look oneself blind眼睛看花
    • look sb in the face注视某人的脸
    • look sb full in the face盯着某人的脸仔细看
    • look sb into silence瞧得某人不作声
    • look sb out of countenance瞧得某人局促不安
    • look sb to shame瞧得某人难为情
    • look sb up and down上下打量某人
    • look a bit nervous看起来有点紧张
    • look a little surprised显得有些吃惊
    • look alike看起来相像
    • look alive当心,留心,快些,赶快
    • look angry好像生气
    • look anxious面带愁容,焦急,担心
    • look big摆出一副了不起的样子,洋洋自得,盛气凌人
    • look black面容凶恶,形势恶劣
    • look blank显得惊骇惶惑,茫然若失
    • look blue(人)无能,灰溜溜的,颓丧,面带忧伤或不满之色
    • look cheerful and healthy看来健康愉快
    • look closed看来保密
    • look cold显得冷淡的样子
    • look complicated显得复杂
    • look convinced看来相信
    • look deserted显得冷清清的
    • look doubtful好像靠不住,似乎可疑
    • look embarrassed显得尴尬
    • look fit看起来很健康
    • look foolish显得笨
    • look frightened似乎害怕
    • look good看来不错
    • look grave似乎严重
    • look guilty显得内疚,好像是犯罪的样子
    • look happy喜形于色
    • look honest看来诚实
    • look ill看上去有病,看来不漂亮
    • look kind看起来仁慈
    • look nice看起来漂亮
    • look pale脸色苍白
    • look puzzled好像迷惑
    • look quite strong身体显得很壮实
    • look rather offended显得相当生气
    • look sad面带悲容
    • look sharp非常留心,赶快
    • look shocked显得震惊
    • look sleepy显得困的样子
    • look small畏缩,羞涩,显得卑劣
    • look smart看起来漂亮
    • look snappy看起来敏捷
    • look startled显得吃惊
    • look suspicious似乎不可靠,有些可疑
    • look terrible貌似可怕
    • look tired脸色疲倦
    • look ugly显得很丑
    • look very serious面貌很端庄
    • look well(指人)气色好,看来健康,(指物)美观,悦目,令人满意
    • look wonderfully green看起来一片翠绿
    • look worried面带忧伤
    • look ahead预测,向前看
    • look far ahead into the future展望遥远的未来
    • look before and after瞻前顾后
    • look deep仔细研究
    • look every inch看上去是十足的
    • look hard死盯着,愤怒地看着
    • look higher and further看得更远大
    • look high and low到处寻找
    • look upward向上看
    • look blankly毫无表情地看
    • look carefully细看
    • look cautiously谨慎地看
    • look closely仔细查明
    • look coldly冷淡地看待
    • look compassionately显露出怜悯之情
    • look confidently满怀信心地期待
    • look critically窥视
    • look cursorily粗略地看
    • look demurely拘谨地看着
    • look disapprovingly不以为然地看着
    • look disconsolately郁郁不乐的样子
    • look disdainfully蔑视
    • look dubiously犹豫不决的样子
    • look eagerly热切地期望
    • look ferociously看上去凶猛,残忍
    • look fixedly凝视
    • look haggardly形容枯槁的样子
    • look impertinently不礼貌〔傲慢〕地看着
    • look incredulously表示出怀疑的样子
    • look inquiringly好奇地看
    • look intently热切地〔目不转睛地〕看
    • look joyfully高兴地看
    • look keenly目光敏锐地弄清〔查明〕
    • look kindly看上去和蔼〔仁慈〕
    • look meditatively陷入沉思的样子
    • look mockingly嘲笑〔愚弄〕地看着
    • look narrowly仔细调查
    • look nervously神经紧张地看着
    • look obliquely斜眼看
    • look ominously看起来有不祥之兆
    • look strangely奇怪地看着
    • look vacantly茫然地看着
    • look vindictively报复地怒视
    • look about向四下看,环顾,留心察看
    • look about for sth四下寻找某物,东寻西找
    • look around四下里张望,环视,随便看看
    • look around for a house to let四处物色出租的房子
    • look away把脸转过去,看别的地方
    • look back回忆;畏缩,停滞不前
    • look back at sb回顾某人
    • look back on the past回顾过去
    • look back upon〔to〕 the old days回想以往的岁月
    • look back to the scenes of childhood回忆童年的情景
    • look beyond往远处看
    • look down低下头
    • look down at the beach看海滩
    • look down on看不起…
    • look in顺便访问
    • look over审阅
    • look up向上看,好转,(物价等)上涨,(市面等)兴旺,(在词典中)查找,访问,看望
    • look beyond朝比…更远的地方看,考虑…以后(更大)的问题
    • look beyond the grave考虑身后事
    • look for a needle in a haystack海底捞针;徒劳无益
    • look forward to盼望,期待,希望,预计会有
    • look in往…里看,直视,正视
    • look in splendid health看上去身体好极了
    • look in that direction朝那个方向看
    • look into向…里面看,浏览,窥视,调查,了解,研究
    • look into a book查书本
    • look into a man's eyes观其目见其心
    • look into a matter调查事实
    • look into chronicles of the Middle Ages浏览中世纪的编年史
    • look into darkness朝暗处看
    • look into the future展望未来
    • look into the past回顾过去
    • look like好像,看起来(仿佛)要…,是…样子
    • look on〔upon〕看作,面朝
    • look on a project with favour欢迎新计划
    • look on sb as an authority把某人看作权威
    • look on sb with distrust对某人抱不信任态度
    • look on the bright side of抱乐观态度
    • look on the street面临街道
    • look out for当心,提防,照顾,注意,留心,寻找
    • look out of往…外看
    • look sb out of countenance瞧得某人局促不安
    • look over打量,从…上面看过去,俯视,察看,审阅,复习,原谅
    • look over sb's faults原谅某人的过错
    • look through透过…看去,看穿,仔细查看,从头读(看)一遍,浏览,故意忽视
    • look through a window透过窗户看
    • look through coloured spectacles有偏见
    • look through one's eyes从目光中显露出来
    • look through one's fingers at a man's faults放过不究
    • look through one's notes before the examination考前把笔记看一遍
    • look through sb's trick识破某人的诡计
    • look straight through sb故意不理睬某人
    • look to向…看去,面向,倾向,照管,注意,负责,指望,依赖
    • look to everything oneself一切来自过目
    • look to sb for help期待〔指望〕某人的帮助,请某人帮助
    • look to the matter注意观察此事
    • look to the mountains向群山看去
    • look to the south(房子等)朝南
    • look to your health千万珍重,保重身体
    • look towards往…看去,面朝,倾向,期待,(口)向某人敬酒
    • look towards future放眼未来
    • look towards the development of local industries促使地方工业发展
    • look towards the east向东面看
    • look towards the sea面临大海
    • look upon sb/sth as把…认为是…
    • look with favour on sb重视某人
    • look with pity at同情地看着
    • look with respect on sb尊敬某人
    用作名词 (n.)
    • bend one's look upon朝…看
    • get a look看一看,瞧一眼
    • give a look看一眼
    • have a look看一看
    • shoot a look瞥一眼
    • steal a look at偷看…一眼
    • take a look at看…一眼
    • throw a look投来目光
    • flash look使外表闪光
    • improve one's looks改善某人的容貌
    • introduce a new look流行一种新款式
    • lose one's good looks失去美貌
    • put on a look装模作样
    • wear a look of呈现…神色
    • anxious look焦急的神色
    • dirty look非难的表情
    • distant look心不在焉的神情
    • frequent look经常的表情
    • funny look怪模怪样的目光
    • gentle look温和的表情
    • good looks美貌
    • grim look严厉的神色,凶狠的目光
    • honest look诚实的外表
    • hopeless look无望的表情
    • friendly look友好的表情
    • last look最后一眼
    • loving look爱慕的眼色
    • new look新貌
    • pale look苍白的神态
    • second look再看一眼
    • serious look严肃的神色
    • sharp look敏锐的目光
    • shy look害羞的表情
    • silly look糊涂的表情
    • soft look柔弱的表情
    • strange look古怪的目光
    • unusual look特殊的表情
    • weak look神色不好
    • wild look野蛮的表情
    • wise look明智的表情
    • dreamy look精神恍惚的样子
    • droopy look精神萎靡的样子
    • dying look垂死的样子
    • eager look焦急的样子
    • elusive look难以捉摸的样子
    • envious look嫉妒的样子
    • expectant look期待的样子
    • fearful look胆怯的样子
    • fierce look凶狠的样子
    • frank look坦率的样子
    • frowning look皱眉不展的样子
    • furious look狂怒的样子
    • glad look充满欢乐的样子
    • grateful look感激的样子
    • happy look高兴的样子
    • hasty look仓促的样子
    • helpless look无助的样子
    • hungry look显出饥饿的样子
    • hunted look被搜寻的样子
    • hurried look匆忙的样子
    • hurt look感情受到创伤的样子
    • lingering look缠绵的样子
    • moody look生气的样子
    • naughty look顽皮的样子
    • open look坦率的样子
    • pitiful look令人怜悯的样子
    • resigned look逆来顺受的样子
    • sad look悲伤的样子
    • scared look受惊的样子
    • silly look傻乎乎的样子
    • by looks根据相貌
    • for the look of the thing为了装点门面,为了维护面子
    • from the look of the sky根据天气
    • in looks外貌上
    • upon the look在寻找中
    • with a look带…神色
    • with a look of great composure泰然自若的样子
    • with a look of relief带着放松的神态
    • (take) a look around sth查看某物的四周
    • (take) a look into向…里看
    • (angry) a look from the workers工人们面带怒色
    • look in sb's eyes某人的眼神
    • look of expectation期待的目光
    • look of pleasure喜欢的神色


    look at v. 看;考虑;着眼于

    look for寻找

    look forward期待;盼望

    take a look看一下

    have a look看一下,看一眼;看一看

    look into观察;窥视;浏览

    look up仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访

    look after照顾;关心;目送

    look back回顾;回头看

    look in看望;顺道访问

    take a look at[口]看一看;检查

    look on观看,旁观;看待

    look around游览;到处察看;到处寻找

    have a look at看一看,看一眼

    look upon看待;把…看作

    look out注意;面朝;照料

    look good看起来很好看

    look down俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;[股]看跌

    new look新面目,新气象

    look as把…看作



    look, face, aspect, appearance






    look, appear, seem

    look 指从外表上看, look like his father

    appear 指给人以表面的印象 appear wise,


    look, see, watch



    watch 强调所看物体的变化、移动和发展watch TV

    look, see, observe, watch, witness








    1. He looked at the baby with a smile.
    2. They looked forward very much to seeing him again.
    3. He turned on the torch to look for his keys.
    4. He looks nervous.
    5. All people that go to church look happy.
    6. We may look at the world around us.
    7. The house looks east.
    1. Let's take a look round the exhibition.
    2. In such cases he would put on an aggrieved look.
    3. They've given the shop a completely new look.
    4. He had a startled look on his face.


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