释义 |
DET. 限定词1.?她的Her means belonging or relating to a woman, girl, or female animal. 双语例句例: Liz travelled around the world for a year with her boyfriend James. 莉兹跟她的男友詹姆斯到世界各地旅行了一年。 2.?(书面英语,不分性别的第三人称所有格)她的或他的In written English, her is sometimes used to refer to things belonging or relating to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'his or her' or 'their'. 双语例句例: The non-drinking, non-smoking model should do nothing to risk her reputation. 这名烟酒不沾的女模特儿不应该做任何对自己名誉不利的事情。 3.?她的(有时用以指国家或民族)Her is sometimes used to mean belonging or relating to a country or nation. 双语例句例: America and her partners are helping to rebuild roads and bridges and buildings. 美国及其伙伴正帮助重建道路、桥梁和楼房。 4.?她的People sometimes use her when referring to things relating to a car, machine, or ship. 双语例句例: This dramatic photograph was taken from Carpathia's deck by one of her passengers. 这张戏剧化的照片是由卡帕西亚号的一名乘客在甲板上拍下的。
PRON. 代词1.?她You use her to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal. 双语例句例: I went in the room and told her I had something to say to her. 我走进房间,告诉她我有话要对她说。 2.?她或他(书面英语,不分性别的第三人称)In written English, her is sometimes used to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'him or her' or 'them'. 双语例句例: Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much you enjoy her company. 跟你的婴儿谈话、玩游戏,跟你的宝宝说话、玩游戏,让她(他)知道你是多么喜欢和她(他)在一起。 3.?她(有时用以指国家或民族)Her is sometimes used to refer to a country or nation. 4.?她(有时用以指小汽车、机器或船)People sometimes use her to refer to a car, machine, or ship. 双语例句例: Kemp got out of his truck. 'Just fill her up, thanks.' 肯普下了卡车。“请给她加满油,谢谢。”